Not mine, no affiliation etc., but this is too clean not to pass along.
It may be a case of its value being what it's worth to you, but I like these. This one is very clean, rear seat folds into a bed for kiddies. Diesel.
2/7/13 1:03 p.m.
I've always thought those were really cool. Search for them on CL and craigslist every now and then. That one is in amazing condition.
I've never even seen such a thing 
I love it!
I like 'em so much I made one out of a '72 E-250.

2/7/13 1:55 p.m.
I always thought those things were the ideal 5th wheel tractor. If I had a big trailer I'd buy that thing in a heartbeat. It's already got the right engine in it.
Ian F
2/7/13 2:06 p.m.
I occasionally see Centurion conversions around here. These were somewhat popular with the horse-set back in the 80's before 4-door dually pick-ups (and Excursions) with nice interiors became common. Not as much call for them these days.
This one looks amazing and that 5th wheel looks serious (and as if it's never been used).
Van-ups were the thing to have for pulling your 5th wheel in style.
2/7/13 2:17 p.m.
There's one that's been slowly returning to earth at a crappy little car lot near my house, has been there at least 10 years now, maybe longer. I always have bad thoughts about it but its quickly reaching the point of "not worth the effort"
2/7/13 2:18 p.m.
914Driver wrote:
I like 'em so much I made one out of a '72 E-250.
Do you still have it? Did you finish it? Looks like a great start.
Finished it. Had a 302 and three on the tree. Guy two towns over couldn't live without it so it bought me a BMW R-90.
Lalalalala, I don't need a tow vehicle...