12/24/12 1:48 p.m.
Well, both myself and my friend are stumped by this, so I figured some of you would know. He has a 00 Monte carlo 3.4L v6 and thought he had a bad transmission since it wouldn't shift to 3rd or 4th gear(shifts between 1-2 just fine)
he has already replaced the transmission and torque converter once only to get the same issue. Is there anything retardedly easy that we've missed?
Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
I would have to see the schmatics, but it sounds like a wiring problem from the PCM into the trans connector.
12/24/12 2:19 p.m.
Ranger, that would make sense, keep me posted.
These transmission were known for their solenoid failures. IIRC there's about 4 in there. Not to expensive to replace once the trans is out.
MA$$hole wrote:
These transmission were known for their solenoid failures. IIRC there's about 4 in there. Not to expensive to replace once the trans is out.
Torque converter clutch and pressure control solenoods, yes. Shift solenoids, no. IME.
You can do solenoids in car. BTDT.
i had a 94 Lumina that only had second and third gear for a while.. $150 in new shift solenoids didn't fix it, but putting a new fuse in the underhood fusebox did.. maybe see of they still had a similar arrangement in the '00 models..