So, doing a light refresh of the truck. Which calls for a complete color change and bodywork.
It has MILES of mouldings and tape. Getting the mouldings off undamaged is easy enough for the ones i want to keep. The stainless stuff on the bed is another story. That requires a torch and vice grips.
Anyway, im left with half the trim tape stuck to the body, and half on the mouldings.
Whats the easiest way to get it off? Truck im not worried about saving the paint underneath, but dont want to make too much extra work for myself. I had thought about a knotted wirewheel in a grinder, take it down to metal and feather it in. Would like other options though. Quickest, easiest and best wins.
On the plastic mouldings, im hoping to save them. That stuffs expensive. Wats the best way there?
Ive done the goo gone and eraser wheel on other stuff when i was trying to save the paint. Was a ton of work, but met the goal of saving paint.
Here, i want the easy button.

I think eraser wheel is the easy button, no matter how long it takes you don't have to feather in filler. Filler work sucks
It would be feathered in paint, not filler. With a da, more than likely.
Maybe a razor blade scraper? They're $10 - $15 at most any auto parts store or big box store.

I think eraser wheel is still the way to go. It may take longer, but the odds of winding up with a use able moulding are much better than any other way I know of.
Or, ditch the mouldings and do something with paint or tape.
So eraser wheel on the mouldings make sense! I honestly don't know why I didn't think of using it on them.
I have one of those scrapers. Hadn't thought of using it on the body side.
Keep the ideas coming!
WD40 is a great helper at removing adhesive, but will make cleaning before paint critical. A citrus bases cleaner will help with removal and is a good paint cleaner and is a great paint prep cleaner.
10/18/20 11:07 a.m.
I'm not sure if it was easy, but I used a heat gun to get it gooey and then pulled it off. Not sure if that would make the eraser wheel work better or just gum it up.
Try soaking a small area with wax & grease remover.
I've used a heat gun and plastic scraper, followed by lacquer thinner wipe down.
stuart in mn said:
Maybe a razor blade scraper? They're $10 - $15 at most any auto parts store or big box store.

Winner! Gets the majority. Then, 80 grit to start feathering in the gouges and paint lines that were being hidden by the mouldings.
Works well on pinstripes too!
Thanks y'all!
Turtle Wax "label & sticker remover"