Long story short, My fiance has a line on an '02 Protege, (slusher, clean, $2k) She wants it to replace her '91 civic, but she doesn't have the money.
So she wants me to buy it to replace my R/T. Um...NO!!! She even went behind my back and got an insurance quote for me as the driver.
Sorry for the rant, but has anyone else had their S.O. try and pull something like this on them?
I love her but some times...
Um, imagine when she has access to your joint accounts.
Bud, after 18 years of marriage, I have to tell you. If she is doing stuff like that now, it's only going to get worse AFTER marriage. Leave her now!
8/3/10 9:37 p.m.
Yeah, that's a little low. Maybe she was just trying to persuade you that it would be a good idea, rather than actually conniving.
Duke wrote:
Yeah, that's a little low. Maybe she was just trying to persuade you that it would be a good idea, rather than actually conniving.
+1, do you really feel that she did this for the purpose of being sneaky and manipulative? it sounds possible that she was just trying to make the case for something that she believed was in your best interest. wether or not that belief was correct, she may be being sweet. i could be wrong about all of this though, i dont know her
I know there is no ill intent, but rather automotive ignorance and a STRONG case of "keeping up with the jonses/I(we) need new and shiney"
8/3/10 10:11 p.m.
Need picture in Bikini to see if it is worth saving. Would you do the same to her if there was a car you wanted?
sorry opus, no bikini, but I have one from a studio shoot I did back in school
As far as "doing it to her" all I do is make sure she doesn't get a car that I wouldn't touch, as I'm the one keeping hers on the road.
8/3/10 10:46 p.m.
Um... hope you plan on separate bank accounts.
neon4891 wrote:
I know there is no ill intent, but rather automotive ignorance and a STRONG case of "keeping up with the jonses/I(we) need new and shiney"
IMO, "Keeping up" w/the berkeleying neighbors and "need new and shiny" are two alarms going off at the same time. The reason my daughter's having such problems paying to switch from a community college to a real one is because my ex spent so much of my child support upon that bullE36 M3. Nice house, nice car, nice clothes. No savings account for college.
I tried to ask her to tell me how that's going to help our daughter make her way through the real world, and avoid working in retail for the rest of her life, but she just didn't want to hear it..the ex still buys into the "American Dream" (on the inheritance from her parents, yet!.. ). I'm not saying my ex is a "crazy bitch", I'm just saying she's ignorant about life in modern America. Fortunately, my daughter and her boyfriend (like a lot of young'uns these days) aren't, so they've collected about 6K because they think it'll pay their rent/water/power for a year. Hey, they're young..can't really blast `em for that, since they're actually trying to do the deed.
Dude, I'm not saying that you should simply dump the girl..I'm just trying to say...BTDT. Wear a condom. Every damn time.
In reply to neon4891:
Okay, I'm saying this as a woman... that's really f*&^ing manipulative! Not acceptable.
In reply to neon4891:
Not only does my wife not do that, but she let's me pick her cars for her, and never questions my automotive decisions.
My wife is hesitant to by me underware, I don't think she'd replace my car for me.
If she's bold enough to pull that mess as your fiancee, just wait until she's your wife.
"Pull that mess"???
She got a quote. Some people need to chill the eff out. Im with Neon - she was probably trying to do a good deed, and thought he needed some convincing. She may not have realized all that was involved...
No blood, No foul. Get over it.
Hey 4cyl, are you married?
8/4/10 6:52 a.m.
Getting a quote is just gathering all the facts to try to make her case.
Maybe help her sell her car on craigslist then sell her your protege. Why does the R/T have to go and the civic stay?
Keeping up with the Jones is a silly game that only ends up one way....lots of debt. That is the only part where I see a really big problem.
indeed I am...care to make a comment?
neon4891 wrote:
She even went behind my back and got an insurance quote for me as the driver.
Did she get the quote before or after you said no? I think it makes a difference.
Meh: I'd percieve that to be collecting info to make a case, not manipulation at all. If I got insurance quotes on an '80's Carrera, I'd hope my wife didn't perceive that as manipulation, but as what I meant it to be: research.
Never atribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.
I see no malice in her actions. In fact, I rather suspect that she thinks she was being quite thoughful. And in her own way, she was. She did the legwork to get the insurance quotes.
8/4/10 8:37 a.m.
This is how religions start... reading enough into this story that it gets cast as truth... all we know is what was written at top, and it would sure be interesting to hear input from the other side.