I just got an email from Skip Barber Racing School. Here's the bottom line:
New Skippy Bucks Tier
We've announced a new program for avid racers who want to get more value for their racing dollars... Skippy Bucks!
There's a new, even better tier at $125,000! If you purchase $125,000 of Skippy Bucks, you get an additional $25,000 on your account! Now, that's an exchange rate worth making!
3/11/13 12:56 p.m.
Is that a 5 year deal as a pay 2 play on a spec miata.....Or is Barber hurting for cash that badly?
Even if I had unlimited resources, I'd have a hard time dropping more than a hundred grand on anything called "Skippy Bucks".
3/11/13 1:16 p.m.
In reply to Woody:
Agreed, after using all that for their lessons, I'd expect you to be better than 99% of F1 drivers.....
Guess what guys - this isn't exactly aimed at our demographic. 
Well, maybe except Wearymicrobe, but even then I doubt he would go for it. That guy seems pretty savvy and cost-efficient with his exotic car budgets.
That's a great deal, where can I sign up 
That is in Yen, right? They must be talking Yen.
This kind of thing makes me really leery that they will still be in business to honor there commitment.
dean1484 wrote:
This kind of thing makes me really leery that they will still be in business to honor there commitment.
I know, right? It'd be like a magazine offering a ten-year subscription for a hundred bucks.
That's one of those things which, when I read it, immediately reminded me that some people's budgets are on a completely different planet to mine.
But as Woody points out, "Skippy bucks" does not engender... a good feeling.
Yeah for $125k they should train you to personally wipe that smug look off Vettel's face...instead you could spend a sane amount on training and then the rest on a supercar-killer or lots of pay-to-play racing.
Well to do the Mazdaspeed challenge series it is 10.5K per weekend.. 65K for the season so that's basically buy two seasons get half of a season for free.. It is 20% back.. Not to bad of a rebate program really.
Not one I would be able to participate in but..
I'm curious about this term "Pay to Play racing." Is there any other kind? I think not really.
I've been around "professional racing" and it's very much "pay to play."
Rich people spending money on what they like to do. The top tier is a mix of "Find someone else to pay me to play" (as in, "I'm good enough to get a sponsor to fund my fun") and "I'm rich and can afford this." The rest of the field is pretty much filled out with the latter.
ClemSparks wrote:
I'm curious about this term "Pay to Play racing." Is there any other kind? I think not really.
It's where you pay teams 5-digit sums to allow you to drive, and you don't pay for anything apart from that.
Ok. Like I said...that's how professional racing works (most of the time).
I guess my main thing is that it doesn't matter what level of racing you're at...you're paying to play. 
psteav wrote:
dean1484 wrote:
This kind of thing makes me really leery that they will still be in business to honor there commitment.
I know, right? It'd be like a magazine offering a ten-year subscription for a hundred bucks.
Risk versus reward. I went for the $100 deal as well but it is only $100. 125K I would want a financial statement certified by a CPA before I put that kind of $$$$$ down.
I see your point 
We're so not the target audience for this. I have met people that can simply write that check...it's like us paying an autocross fee.
3/11/13 5:03 p.m.
Is this related to the Lime Rock Autocross opportunity for $225. Makes a $200 track day look like Walmart
And again, can we please start editing thread titles?
Woody wrote:
And again, can we please start editing thread titles?
That's something I can do for you if you ask real nice like. The first one's free, but there's a new Alan Bucks tier I'd like to tell you all about...
Alan Cesar wrote:
Woody wrote:
And again, can we please start editing thread titles?
That's something I can do for you if you ask real nice like. The first one's free, but there's a new Alan Bucks tier I'd like to tell you all about...
Thanks. I owe you a hundred and twenty five thousand Woody Bucks.
3/11/13 6:24 p.m.
In reply to Woody:
With exchange rate and inflation, I presume that's worth about treefiddy?
yamaha wrote:
In reply to Woody:
With exchange rate and inflation, I presume that's worth about treefiddy?
I think he could buy out bitcoin with treefiddy though so there is that.