It's been an interesting few months. We're now expecting baby Unevolved this coming summer, so my priorities have shifted around a little bit. More of my time has been spent working on the house, getting things ready, and not as much on the car. Thankfully, though, I have next to nothing invested in this project, so there's not much pressure to liquidate. Just slowing progress down.
I've pretty well decided that since my eventual goal for this car is about 300whp, the B18 needs to go. I had initially wanted to get it back in there and running, sort the rest of the car out, and do the turbo B230 later, but since my time is going to be much more precious, I'd just rather focus on the eventual goal for the car, which is turbo hoonmobile.
Today I decided to waste some time and drop the B230 in the engine bay to see how it looked. I've seen people swap these in, both vertically (like the original Amazon engine) and angled (like how it was in the 940). First, I went with the angle.
Oil filter is pretty much right on the old engine mount.
Plenty of room on the intake side, though.
Definitely a snug fit front-to-back. It's leaning on the firewall at this point.
So, that's not great. Let's see how it looks stood upright.
Much better. That intake manifold won't work, though, I'll have to figure something out there.
Here's a better shot showing how it's basically up against the firewall. I think it's actually leaning on the crank trigger sensor:
I have no intentions of reusing the OEM engine management system, and I'm probably going to go with a Megasquirt variety. So it'll likely get a crank trigger on the front pulley, and maybe even move to a DSM cam sensor and LS1 coils.
So, all in all, not much REALLY accomplished today, but it's nice to be able to look at the engine in the car and brainstorm solutions.
I'll have all the B18 stuff up for sale before too much longer, I'm really just wanting to make sure it stays out of a scrapyard and in the hands of an enthusiast. Anyone in TX that wants a cheap, rebuildable B18 core, hit me up.