I had decided to go with a ValueTrac torsen-style posi for my 96 Impala SS. Numerous discussions I had found on the internet said to avoid it simply because it sounded to cheap to be true.
Anyway, I ordered it from Ebay. $240.61 with shipping. I also ordered a set of Motive 4.10 gears and a Koyo bearing and seal set. I think total parts were under $550 including Royal Purple oil. The company I bought from also had a great tech/customer service line. I was told to expect a very aggressive posi with the potential for a clunk on engagement of the posi. Not what I expected from a torsen-style, but what the heck. Its $240.
We set it up at the shop. It ended up being a complete PITA because I was using a solid spacer instead of a crush sleeve, and the solid spacer included the ABS reluctor. Getting that all set up was a btch.
I now have about 2000 miles on the new gears and posi and I'm very pleased. The posi is 100% silent. In tight turning there is only the tiniest bit of tire scrub, most of which could be attributed to the reverse ackerman and massively wide tires. The 4.10s do offer the ability to spin the tires at will, and there is no delay in "lockup" at all. You can be at full steering lock with nearly open differentiation, goose the pedal, and both tires instantly fire to life. No noise, no waiting, no delay in engagement.
Overall I would say I'm very impressed at how it operates. I can't speak for its durability or longevity, but it certainly looks beefy.
With the caveat of untested durability, I recommend it highly.