When i was young I read anything I could Find about cars and Hot Rods. About 1960 to 1963ish I read A Book about A Hot Rodder in a 49 or 50 merc I think ( maybe a ford) . I can't And will likely never remember the Title
but the car had " Ut Vincere aut Mori " Painted on the rear.
"To Conquer Or to Die "
Don't Know Why I was Thinking this Quote, My own Mortality Mabey, Lots Of Aging Thoughts lately.
Might have been a Henry Gregor Felsen book. He wrote a few in that time period aimed at scholastic age folks.
A 401 CJ said:
Might have been a Henry Gregor Felsen book. He wrote a few in that time period aimed at scholastic age folks.
You nailed it. The book was Crash Club. The New Guy comes to school in a de-chromed, black, fuel injected '57 Chevy with Aut Vinci Aut Mori on the continental kit cover.
Crash Club
I thought maybe Street Rod.
Good work!
Amazing !, if I live another 60 I will remember Crash Club, Reading that I Kept saying Oh Yea and Oh Yea remembering some, but not all.
Not quite a' Rose Bud' Moment.
who knows that one.
Yes Citizen Kane, the story of William Randolf Hurst, As told by Orsen Wells
Funny how quick this was figured out, I didn't even have the quote quite right. 1st Post got the author 2nd the story.
I wanted to say it was on a Contenentil kit but it didn't seem right for Hot Rods , But for a F I 57 chevy It was A popular option then
5/9/19 9:26 a.m.
In reply to GTXVette :
How's your wifey? I think you mentioned something was amiss a week or two ago and I never saw anything else?
"Thinking about mortality" makes me nervous.
In reply to Robbie :
Thanks for asking. Still at hospital, will post later, but better , in two days it will be 1 month.