ProDarwin wrote: E15 is more like 93% They don't sell anything but E10 around here. "Real gas" is not an option, nor is E15 or E85. Last I checked with one of my co-workers (who lives ~50 miles away), the E0 option was >20cents more/gallon... so approx 6% more. Not worth it. Explain to me where to "look it up". Show me a good scientific test that isn't some idiot on a message board saying "my car gets 20% worse mileage!!". The ORNL test in 2008 "Effects of Intermediate Ethanol Blends on Legacy Vehicles and Small Non-Road Engines, Report 1" concluded that: (done with E20)Fuel economy decreased (7.7% on average), consistent with the energy density reduction associated with ethanol blending (in limited tests, trend was observed to continue to E30).It also compares E0 to E10 to E15 to E20 (Section 3-3). The reductions in economy are: 3.88, 5.03 and 7.72%. Again, consistent with energy density (actually, slightly better)
Owned with science!