So, one night "Mike" decides to get hammered and drive through my neighborhood at 3:30am. By the time he was done, his truck was wrapped around the tree in my neighbor's front yard and our mailbox was scattered in a thousand tiny pieces across 2 lawns.
Since we had to put up new mailboxes anyway, my neighbor & I decided to share our Car Guy hobby with everyone. And...this is what came of it...
Let me try another angle...
Needs a V-8 block for a base. 95% complete.
A Gasser mailbox!
The fenderwell headers look bitchin!
Just needs to be a couple shades lighter for Pontiac blue.
11/23/09 6:36 a.m.
Looks like some substantial metal that will put a hurt on the next fool. He won't get as far as the tree.
11/23/09 6:40 a.m.
To bad they didn't bend the baseplate at a V angle to make the boxs look more like valve covers..
11/23/09 7:29 a.m.
That's awesome! Nice job.
What are those headers from?
In reply to Jay:
They look like SBC headers put on upside-down.
In reply to Jay:
They look like SBC headers put on upside-down.
In reply to Jay:
They look like SBC headers put on upside-down.
Now your mailbox is gonna get stolen
Stolen headers in 3....2....1....
11/23/09 12:17 p.m.
SBC headers w/ Ford blue block? Trim a deep sump oil pan for the bottom, tunnel ram intake connecting the two boxes at the top? Plug wires in colored looms, stainless braided oil/fuel lines? There is much to be added!
Very cool.
The headers were from an old pickup truck...we got them the Grassroots way; FREE.
The paint is more like the darker picture; the "lighter" pic was at dusk & the iris opened more than expected.
We ALMOST did the engine block/mailboxes-as-valve-covers, but the weight was extreme.
The post is 1/2" square tube with 22" in the ground & 2 sacks of Quickrete holding it in place. If Drunk Mike comes by again, he's in for a big surprise!
I almost wish people played mailbox baseball in my neighborhood. I'd love to build a little surprise for them.
Love the V8 box.