7/24/14 4:56 p.m.
I'm probably in need of a vacuum bleeder for the clutch master on my Camaro. I've specifically heard people mention using a Mity-Vac for the job, but is that particular brand any better than what I'll find at the parts store, or is it just a generic term at this point?
I don't want to spend Snap-On money for this, so cheap is good.
7/24/14 5:10 p.m.
My genuine Mity vac lasted over 20 years but when I went to replace it.... I got sticker shock and went next door to Harbor Freight and got there unit with the brass colored cylinder it works just the same but has no pressure port like the mity vac did so can't use it to test some things I could before.
Get a harbor freight "vacula". Works like a champ if you have a large-ish compressor to support it. Tip - hold the fitting tight, or cut it off and connect the bleeder directly to the clear tubing to avoid leaks.
I prefer a pressure bleeder and they are cheap to build from a garden sprayer and a spare master cylinder cap.
For reverse bleeding a clutch or brake system you just need one of the vacuum bleeding caps for bleed nipples.
Attach it to the hose from the pressure bleeder, pump it up a little to remove the air from the line and then crack the bleeder valve and let the fluid flow up to the master along with the air bubbles :)
I've used this, with 30' of vacuum hose hooked up to the running engine, but I'm not sure if that's what you're after.

7/24/14 11:02 p.m.
Harbor freight has the real mityvac on sale for $40. You can print a 25% off coupon from http://slickdeals.net/f/1276399-harbor-freight-coupon-thread
That's $30 after the coupon. Not too bad of a deal