Fair market value question.
I’m trying to find a transmission to use in my future challenge car. I’ve found a TH-350 with converter for $150. It’s been rebuilt and has about 30k on it. Now I have a transmission sitting in my garage out of my old 86 Monte Carlo. It’s a 200-4R that I had rebuilt back in 1998 and with a little work will bolt right into my current project. I put maybe 25k on it before I blew up the 305 and scraped the car. Since then it’s been kicking around my yard under a tarp for a few years.
I’d like to use this instead of a TH-350 for a few reasons. I already have this and don’t have to spend any more money plus I want something with overdrive for the highway. I’ve searched Craig’s List locally to see what the going price for one is and can’t find any. One or two came up for a Grand National or Monte SS but I believe those were more desirable because they had a better valve body or something. Anyway what do you guys think its worth?
1/13/10 12:39 p.m.
car-part.com says it's worth about 100 bucks.
Pseudosport wrote:
..... I already have this and don’t have to spend any more money...
ding, ding, ding, ding....Grassroots.....ding, ding, ding, ding
don't know the FMV, but like the idea!!!
I'm with Andy on this. Yes a TH350 is stronger, but do you NEED stronger?
Not to concerned with strength, I’m happy if it shifts into most gears and is cheap. Reliability and overdrive would just be an added bonus. I'd like to drive it to the challenge because I'm sick of the poor fuel economy of the tow rig and renting a trailer.
One thing I should note is that back in 1998 I paid $850 to have it rebuilt with a new converter.
Pseudosport wrote:
One thing I should note is that back in 1998 I paid $850 to have it rebuilt with a new converter.
In 1998 I paid $10k for a minivan that's now worth $500 so I don't think what it cost 12 years ago should matter.
I like Bryce's suggestion of using Carpart for FMV.
Hell, use scrap value if you want, 'cuz if it was in my yard for 10+ years MY wife would have made me scrap it long before I found a project to put it in.
Here's one local to me on CL for $75.00
I would say $75 is a fair price for it.