fuel pump wires--far right
thanks-- I'm going through every wire now, verifying all my mods. I'll get some fuel in a jug and see if the tank leaks. big fear there-- otherwise, I'll start pouring in the coolant this week. some of the coolant needed is for the pourer-- a beer of some kind, preferrably local brew not punked through the tier one distribution system. west coast stuff. these cabin lights are less than half of what I want--like 2 more in back and 2 more under the dash for the footwells only. I look at side air scoops as well--the gap under the sliding door track is a natural for fresh air. Does auto trans fluid work in the power steering? my gm stuff did. the headliner gets replaced during the repaint later. its all beat up, but I was practicing to see if I could preserve it during this op.
It seems that the channels over the door headers is almost 1/8" thick for collision value. If I cut that away in any place in that span, [afterthought], the doors could jam closed. seems they would anyway, but what I have done makes it happen at lower speeds. in collisions, the pillars all go diagonal absorbing the force, which can't be repaired, realistically. thanks
water tested the coolant system on sunday and found a leak in a porous weld on my crossover manifold, just in front of the engine. had to grind 5 spotwelds to free it, and got a ton of sheeutt in my eyes, glasses and all, on my back. then the oil pan/engine leaked as well. todays work is rework.
better now than later.
dude, i hope your eyes are OK after that. sounds like it sucked at least a little bit. i can't wait to see the wheelstand video of this thing on youtube!
bump to move this to the build thread section!
...Bummer that the building department derailed your workshop roof, but the awning "workaround" is a perfect example of your style.
I have read this board for a while now, just enjoying from the sideline. I love anything mechanical and this place keeps me up too late, reading night after night. Pure joy.
Today I had to register simply to salute the vanagonLHS. Excellent photos, descriptions and just a cool story. An answer for every challenge, an exercise in patience and perseverance. I have no doubt this one will run. Keep it going Thummmper! This is awesome.
Today I also decided to become a subscriber, just to support the GRM mission.
wow! thanks for that. I totally flunked the oil pan seal class on this one, although the windage tray sandwich provides an extra challenge--I originally didnt want to pay 110.00 for another tray with seal...so I will reapply with more body-- I usually lay down a caterpillar of seal and let it skin over for 2 hours, set it on with fingertight bolts and tighten er up the next day-- this allows me to not need a razor when it has to come off again.
that windage tray above was replaced for 50.00 with seal. its back on now-- I just saw a documentary called gasland about how fracture drilling for natgas is killing hundreds of thousands of americans by poisoning their water. It's a halliburton process that made it all possible--thanks to ol yellow cakes pen
Be very carefull when applying RTV to the oil pan area. Excess can fall into the pan and clog the intake screen. Seen it happen.
so I'm flippin out as theres 5 gallons of gas in now and there's no leaks.- I ordered another 6" flex brake hose for the rear as the ss braided one i got from china failed to seal..I smell refund!!! I'll replace it with a meyle hose. tomorrow--
I got it all together, and slid up into the drivers seat. I turned the key and the fuel pump cycled. the body cm whined shortly. I had some red lights on the dash and twisted to the start position. nothing. again. nothing. I began trying to imagine what could be the problem. I suddenly had a diagnostic problem I was trying to avoid. so I got my meter out. the battery was fuly charged. then I got in the intrepid and drove to the store. I noticed the gear selector lights under each gear had different colors. green for park, red for reverse, etc. I remembered the van lit up red, meaning it was in reverse. the cable is out of adjustment. I reached it through the rear hatch and clicked it forward a notch. then it started. it was reluctant until it got fuel. but it runs rough because I screwed up the timing belt, so all the sheet is off the front of the engine as I ran out of light. I was going to go to the jy and replace all the relays and the brains, but not now. YAHOO!! video coming
In reply to thummmper:
Hot E36 M3! berkeleyin A! Can't wait to hear it run with the timing corrected! Congratulations, man.
I reset the time belt--It was off one tooth--and the ignition needs verifying--it misses like I have a couple of plug wires crossed. but it starts right up now. I am amazed I did it. people in the vw world warned me that it might be a disaster attempting an unsupported conversion. when you have a problem, especially in the wiring, youre on your own. but I have always had a knowing about this project--just before I realized she was stuck in reverse, I fealt the dread of wasting 11000.bucks and 25 months of my life. I fealt cheated, and I had no one to blame but me. that's the worst indictment. but I forgot all that when I realized the lockout was working.
I feel amazing right now--can you imagin just how effective a learning tool this project could be in a junior college setting? kids would gain immense confidence when their project springs to life. making something from nothing.
at b/r buggies in oceanside--they are m3's which is tougher than chromoly- The 930 cvs are empi offroaders with chromoly cages and .865 balls[ slightly undersized for more articulation] I will probably select porsche 944 lobros for the next van. much to learn. these were very difficult to install until I got the feel for them. [outboard sides.] I am testing circuits today and bundling wires while I tighten up the shifter cable. then I can let her down on the ground and go for a putt. then I will film it.
monday, 10 sept. 2012--last saturday I let her down on all fours and uncorked the driveway to freedom. rolled her out to scrub the coast off--the roof has dusty pits that don't scrub off, but I got the bird crap off and the windows clean-I had sprayed black rattle can on the left side windows to block the sun and had to razor that off. got in with mom and dog and we backed out and drove around the park for a lap--the front is really toed in but the trans shifted flawlessly, all the way up to second. I needed to drive her because I was starting to drop my hands. I was out of gas. so I have to rewire the horn and look over the turn signals, hazards and brake lites. running lights work and general instrument lites, but no gas gage, tach or speedo. I was bummed but I will reach deep and pull out some more patience. Feels like a no-man;s land right now--I have come so far--and yet there is still much to do--I am thinking about hatches now because you can hear the injectors clicking plus the exhaustis a little too sporty/throaty without the main muff. I persist with new data.
Congratulations! That first test drive is memorable, isn't it?
Before anybody else: video or bannage!
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