Do all pickup trucks in Massachusetts need to be registered as Commercial Vehicles?
I'm trying to add my pickup (Connecticut Combination plates) to my MA-EZPass account and they are insisting that I need to open a separate commercial account, even though the truck is for personal use only.
MA will allow anything you can justify as noncommercial on an ordinary plate.
However, MASSDOT sees the Combination plate on your CT-registered truck and requires a commercial FastLane account. If you switch to an MA registration it'll work on your personal account.
Here might be another option...
I am an Ohio resident but my EZ-Pass account is through the state of Indiana.
1. I have had the Indiana account before Ohio started honoring the EZ-Pass system in Ohio. At the time I drove a lot of Indiana.
2. When Ohio did launch EZ-PAss I realized that Ohio had much worse term than Indiana. An example is that in Ohio when your pre-paid balance falls under $25 they hit you for another $25. In Indiana that reload does not happen until the ballance falls to $3. Said another way, Ohio always holds onto a min of $25 (but closer to $50) of your money. Indiana keeps $25 max and as little as $3.
Ohio charges $7 for each box. Indiana essentially charged near nothing for the box (included with your initial purchase.)
Some of this may have changed but I'll bet I have had this Indiana system for more than 6 years. I manage the whole thing online.
I believe the rule is anything above 9990 pounds, on the door sticker pushes it into commercial. So basically if you have an F150, your good on passenger car plates. F250 and you are suppose to have commercial. My F350 has passenger plates because I registered it as a Ford F series pickup. No mention of which one, and it continues to slide by. Saves me a bunch on registry fees, because commercial plates need to be registered every December at a cost of $20 per 1000 pounds. The F350 is 13,000 something.
chaparral said:
MA will allow anything you can justify as noncommercial on an ordinary plate.
However, MASSDOT sees the Combination plate on your CT-registered truck and requires a commercial FastLane account. If you switch to an MA registration it'll work on your personal account.
I can second this. My wife's H2 has a GVW of over 9000 lbs and I have a sierra Denali and both are just fine on my personal EZ pass account because both are registered for personal use (AKA not commercial plates)
It's definitely the Combination plates. A lot of states don't have (or recognize) those, so they just treat them as commercial, being that they're not passenger plates.
12/18/17 8:43 p.m.
As of Oct of 2009 GVW of 10,000 and above require a COM reg even if for personal use like my 11000 gvw f350.... Had I known when i bought my truck i would not have gotten the extra load capacity, but technicaly any combined GVW also needs com plate say a 6000 truck and a 5000 trailer could be ticketed for not having com plate and com inspection.
Com reg = boat loads of more cash. every year reg not $60 for 2 years but $$ per pound.. my truck cost $300 per year...on top of that is requires a COM inspection. no $29 inspection nope stations can charge what ever they like for a com inspection my local place wants $250 min....i drive over an hour so I only pay $85...
The truck in question is a 2005 Toyota Tacoma.