OK...Hold the laughing...for a moment anyway.
My kid and I recently drove a car from SW FL to CO.
I took my old Radar detector along..."just in case."
It's a Passport, vintage 1989.
The only thing it definitly picked up was Speed warning signs and Convienence store door openers...
I'm guessing that I have a 20 year old paperweight on my hands.... Any other guidance/opinions?
do zombies give off any kind of a recognizable electric impulse? 
Those work great. You might not have picked up anything because there wasn't anything. I recently drove from Flint MI to Cumberland MD using a Valentine One. On the trip there it was silent, on the way home 6 solid radar hits. It saved my bacon.
Is it the old one with the big orange light on the front? Mine goes off a full 1-10 seconds before my other detectors every time it's anything except laser. Still worth keeping around.
I have an old Escort, vintage ~1984. It's the one that all the RADAR comparisons are compared against, and if the new one is "just as good" as the old Escort, then that's a high mark. I don't use it anymore because it doesn't hit some of the newer bands, like some of the sub X bands, I think. I use a V1.
I had two of these. If it mattered, they were the most beautiful of all the radar detectors and I wish my Valentine 1 was as nice.
About two years ago, I had one that was essentially new in box, with all the accessories. I e-Bay'd it for about $45 to a guy from PA. The winning bidder was thrilled. He said that X and K band were all that they use down there. I wished him luck.
I would not trust it. If I'm going to use a radar detector, I want to have 100% confidence in it. I have that with my V1.
I have a Beltronics one that I bought a good 5 years ago now, and it's still kicking. It's nothing crazy; it was their middle of the road model and was like $150 at Circuit City. It's saved my butt too many times to count.
The V1's are very nice, but I can't justify spending $500+ on a radar detector.
John Brown wrote:
I don't speed.
I am the same way.. 5 over tops
there was an article someplace awhile back don't remember where, but the compared vintage radar detectors to new ones, vintage won every time on the bands they were capable of. higher power iirc. on occasion, i still use an old cobra detector, black taped together an all, works great. i think i bought it in like 94...
Id love to have a Valentine, but i wouldn't use it enough to justify blowing the budget for a full set of race tires on one. i rarely exceed the speed limit by much on regular roads since the 55 mph thing was killed...
SilverFleet wrote:
I have a Beltronics one that I bought a good 5 years ago now, and it's still kicking. It's nothing crazy; it was their middle of the road model and was like $150 at Circuit City. It's saved my butt too many times to count.
The V1's are very nice, but I can't justify spending $500+ on a radar detector.
the V1 is "only" $399 .. the PASSPORT 9500ci is $1600 and doesn't tell you how many or where they are... Escort's new Redline is $500 (same lack of info as the 9500) and the 9500ix is $500 once again no info beyond THERE'S A COP OUT THERE SOMEWHERE
I'd buy a V1 if it was twice the price (I hope the makers don't get wind of this). Saved my ass more times than I can count.