Anyone here into them?
Im helping my wife's family close her Grandmother's estate, and as the resident "car guy" and only ebayer of the bunch I've been tasked with finding a home for these. And as cool as they are, they seem to be worth some $$ which counts me out.
I'm just curious if anyone here has first-hand experience. I'm seaching the web now & finding info, but value is difficult to come by. The ones on eBay now range from $100 to several thousand, and none are the same models - ours are a Duesenberg and I believe 2 Dooling model F's.
Never heard of them until just now, but that does sound like fun.
There was a discussion a while back on the HAMB board about them: They also called them spindizzies:
A couple of the local RC guys were into those back in my RC racing daze. There's another whole subculture of wire-guided drag racers, you drive four spikes, run two parallel wires, then rev the engines and drop them at the same time. But unfortunately I have no real knowledge of values, etc.
Car & Driver had an article on them a few years ago iirc. Probably some club info in there if you can dig up the correct issue.
i had one from the '50s that was complete but not very nice. sold on ebay about 3 years ago for almost $100 iirc.
post up some pics i'd like to see them.
If they're from the 40s or 50s, ie. art deco / midcentury modern looking cast aluminum bodies/pans w/ spark ignition engines, no clutches, open bevel drive from the engine to driven axle, and streamlined hard rubber tires on aluminum hubs - it's likely they're worth ~crazy~ money. If the engines happen to say "McCoy" on the side and have rear intakes it's more so. If the engine is a Dooling .61 and the car looks like an aluminum tadpole you've hit the lottery, seriously.
Thanks for all the links!
Here's a pic of the nice car, it's a pre-war Duesenberg....and it's probably worth more than every car I own except my wife's new Fit. 
<img src="