I figured I would put this here instead of my build thread to get a little more traffic for opinions.
I bought a beater 83 244 to get going for rallycross and ice racing and after spending a day delousing it, I'm ready to really start digging in to it to make it a runner. The guy I bought it from said it lost spark one day and he replaced the coil,cap, rotor, wires and still nothing so he said he didn't want to mess with it. He suspected the distributor but said at $200 he wasn't touching it. It cranks strong, oil pressure light goes off but I have no spark. The front timing cover is off and the belt is moving.
When I turn the key to the on position, I also didn't hear fuel pumps coming on or any relay clicking. I checked the fuse box and replaced a couple fuses that were the incorrect amperage but nothing changed. I then took a wire and connected fuses 5 and 7 and the fuel pumps came on so that is telling me the fuel pump relay isn't coming on. Is anyone familiar with this year for the relay setup. I seem to recall some had one under the hood and one under the dash. Here's a photo of the relay under the dash that I *think* is the fuel pump relay but I didn't see anything under hood. DISREGARD THE RAINBOW CROCS.
So i guess my question is, could the no spark be because of the fuel pump relay not coming on and sending something to ignition? OR do I not have anything going to the fuel pump relay because I don't have spark. I seem to recall there is a built in safety feature with Bosch of this era that doesn't supply fuel if there is no spark so it won't flood.
Thanks for the suggestions