I'm fairly green when it comes to Volvo's. Can someone enlighten me on the in's and out's of the bertone 780 coupes? There is one down the street that seems relatively well sorted and is for sale. I know they are fairly rare, but do they share most mechanical bits with the 740's?
Mechanical bits aren't a problem, they're 740 or 760. Bodywork is a completely different issue though as large parts of body panels are 780 only and IIRC discontinued.
The trunk/fuel release is the same as found on X1/9, Ferrari 308, Lancia Stratos, a Lamborghini or two, and various other Italian cars.
If I were to get a 780, I'd want it to have the Turbo 4.
Buy the turbo 4, not the v6. Tailights, headlamps and so on are hard to find.
No idea what this one has, I would need to call and ask to see it closer, it's locked behind a fence and a large rottweiler. Like I said, I jsut happened past it while walking my dog the other night. Usually the guy who has this lot/warehouse hordes old mercedes, but he happened to also have a spitfire, a C900 turbo convertible, and some other non-benz rides. He sometimes sells things, or just lets them return to the earth.
I have one . . . The V6 is low power (145chp) high torque (173ctq). It is slow, but surprisingly decent on gas. I got 27 mpg on the way back from FL.
Everything that can be done on 760 and early 960 is applicable.
The body parts and interior trim are HARD to find. Mechanicals and stuff are similar to 740/760
Two areas of rust (sail panels, from roof line)come from clogged sunroof drains.
The electrical gee-gaws suffer as well . . .I've solved some on my by redoing all of the interior grounding points.
87 had the stick axle and 88 on up had IRS with Nivomats. You can use some off the shelf shocks + Previa springs once Nivos fail.
It's an awesome car if you get one in good nick. But is sucks when you don't!!
7/15/13 2:45 p.m.
Well, hopefully the guy is willing to unlock his Rottweiler and his fence and give you a closer look. 
the v6 makes boatloads of power when you turbo it, if you're into that sort of thing.
Hnnnnngggg I berkeleying love these.