I'm considering doing my e21 as a GRM challenge car, since it's local and it's going to take years to do my "full" restore on it......so if you ever want to come help out with sanding and bodywork, welding or stuff like that....it would be more than appreciated :)
The 323 has gotten me quite used to sanding body prep, it goes much faster with 2 people
I don't mind it. But with 2 little kids (one a baby that has naptimes), finding the time to use noisy sanders and painting in a cold garage in the winter are my major sticking points there, haha....
The e21 doesn't need a ton of actual bodywork, thankfully. Just a few spots.
11/18/13 9:34 p.m.
You any good a putting mazda G-series transmissions back together? 
I haven't cracked a G series open yet, but I have a ring and pinion and 5th gear to swap into one of my boxes (so i should do that this winter). I have a spare g series box with a welded diff as well. How berkleyed is the box in need of rebuilding? If if anything like everything else on mazdas when compared to vws of the era it shouldn't be a problem as I did a few vw 020 trans when i had my mkiii.
11/19/13 7:24 a.m.
Actually the only thing that needs replacing is the LSD. I have a mazdaspeed protege and the diff blew up. I have taken it apart and replaced the diff but having issues getting it back together and shifting correctly.
I'm planning on prepping the 'Zon for class RWD Prepared, with aspirations of DOMINATING the 45- year old Swedish car contingency!
Let me know if you guys do a 2 day event, I may have to come down.
BTW speaking of the old Orange, VA location. It's for sale again...
fidelity101 wrote:
Let me know if you guys do a 2 day event, I may have to come down.
we do one every year, generally in June. The last points event before we take a break for the summer.
11/24/13 8:45 p.m.
Man I miss DC RallyX. Especially sad that I missed that AWESOME Amazon action!
Carl, DC RallyX misses you and the purple probe too ;)
11/24/13 8:56 p.m.
Hopefully I'll have something rally-worthy by the first even next year, with RWD...
CLynn85 wrote:
Hopefully I'll have something rally-worthy by the first even next year, with RWD...
interesting......what class?
irish there was a guy with a light blue e30 that was always parked in my complex in fairfax that had a dirt e 30 sticker on it. I never bothered chatting with the guy because I assumed he was the one that lived below my family and always made noise complaints for times we weren't there lol. Do you by any chance know him?
If we end up moving back up that way once I'm done with this nonsense down yonder I'm def going to pick up rallyx.
Zombie thread, but I still have that Amazon I rallied back at this event, and I have some plans of resurrecting that light blue 122 for some Rallycross duty in the near future. Stay tuned....