10/3/12 7:26 p.m.
Keep me up to date on this project. I've had similar inklings for a while, and I'll likely be buying a Swedish wagon of some flavor very soon. (Honestly, I'm leaning toward a Saab 9-5 wagon and not screwing with it, but my automotive desires are as flighty as a hummingbird on meth.)
97 v70 turbo AWD. Upon engine failure, will it accept a 5.0?I noticed the engine sits at 180°, but it's AWD, so would the steering rack be problematic?
N Sperlo wrote:
97 v70 turbo AWD. Upon engine failure, will it accept a 5.0?I noticed the engine sits at 180°, but it's AWD, so would the steering rack be problematic?
Yes. The rack doesn't compete for space with a transmission in the AWD car.

The "Bevel Gear" transfer case attached to the transmission has the rear driveshaft above the steering rack.
So yeah the rack is still in the way.
Damn. Oh well. I'll still probably buy the car anyway if my Escort sells tonight. But hey, its a turbo, so it'll be kinda fun. Just wish it were a stick.
Thanks a ton, Lee.
Yeah, the autos are still fun. Not as fun as a stick would be, but still fun.
In reply to N Sperlo:
Happy to help, I love some auto geekery, especially of the Swedish variety.
A word of warning though, if you are buying a good running V70, that has been even a little maintained, and you continue with close to proper maintenance on your own, you're going to be waiting a long time for "engine failure."
Also on the AWDs make sure it's got a matching set of tires, with pretty similar tread depths/wear on them. You could be ditching the rear drive shaft soon, and making it into a FWD only car if it's been driven much at all on mix-matched tires.
In reply to bigdaddylee82:
I'll take that all into account on this adventure. Could be interesting. I'm a Ford and Nissan guy, so... I'm sure you get the point.
if you really want to satisfy the oddball quotient... here's a 2-door Bertone bodied Volvo 780 for cheap:
Thanks, Nick, but I'm only after a wagon. I have enough coups. 
m4ff3w wrote:
Can anyone find an empty bay picture from before the V era. (1996 or before) For comparison. It may be tricky, but a V8 may still be possible. I've got an AWD option available and the 302 would wait until a catastrophic failure in the stock setup.
Here's a 1997:
Was there a RWD option in 97?
Yes, the 960/S90/V90 were RWD.
EvanB wrote:
Yes, the 960/S90/V90 were RWD.
OK. I hadn't realized they had FWD, AWD, and RWD all as options. It appears everyone in St Louis thinks their Volvo with a blown head gasket is worth it's weight in gold. I've talked the good running v70 turbo awd down to 2000.
Not options, but models. The 960/S90/V90 are RWD only based on the 740/940 platform. They had 2.9l DOHC 6cyl engines.
The 93-97 850 was FWD.
In reply to N Sperlo:
Watch out for the awd cars as they have a tendency to eat trannies (ewww). Anyway. I would hold out for a RWD wagon. You have the truck to drive so you shoulnt be in any rush.
960s are hard to come by in MO.