This is the article that the Jalopnik article pulled their info from.
Reduction from 6yr 72k miles to 4yr 50k miles...
I think it's a poor choice from VW to abandon this so quickly.
Me too. Oh how soon they forget.
In other news: Fiat no longer offers warranty for rust.
They finally got reliable enough to roll it back? Good for them!! :P
7/31/19 8:35 a.m.
Glad I bought a '19 and have the 6yr/72k mile warranty.
7/31/19 8:44 a.m.
GM did this a few years back. Rolled powertrain back from 100k miles to 60k miles. They said that warranty length had no effect on customer purchasing decisions, which I'm not sure I buy.
In reply to NickD :
I suspect that new car buyers won't necessarily keep the car past the warranty period, and for people who lease the cars, it's sufficient that the warranty covers the lease period.
Autonews wrote:
For consumers, the amended warranty and maintenance program is a way to take on lingering doubts about Volkswagen's cost of ownership...
<sarcasm>Sounds like the perfect move to dispell doubts about the cost of ownership for a brand whose reputation is that everything goes haywire once the warranty is up.</sarcasm>
7/31/19 9:07 a.m.
Reducing the base warranty provides more opportunity to upsell extended warranties. I'm sure they did the math on the loss of sales due to a reduced base warranty and cost savings vs. the profit made with extended warranties.
Rust warranties are pretty hard to claim, it has to be truly exceptional failure.
7/31/19 12:59 p.m.
Reputation won’t change based on a paragraph in the owner’s manual. Don’t matter how long your warranty is, if you keep making cheap trash, the people will speak.
My confidence in Volkswagen reliability just made the same sound that Fred Flinstone's feet make when he's running away.
NickD said:
GM did this a few years back. Rolled powertrain back from 100k miles to 60k miles. They said that warranty length had no effect on customer purchasing decisions, which I'm not sure I buy.
I would not have bought my Volkswagen without the 6/72. Period. I would have walked directly to the Honda dealer. Seems like a bad move from Volkswagen considering the Hyundai's are really getting more competitive with Volkswagen's line and still offer they really huge warranty
7/31/19 5:03 p.m.
It would've been an interesting choice for me. The focus RS was a contender for me but has a worse warranty than 4/50 and is no longer made/supported. The CTR is downright fugly, not awd and selling for insane amounts over msrp, so I wasn't looking at it.
The RS3 wasn't a hatch, still a VAG product and still 4/50 warranty.
So I probably still would've bought my Golf R regardless of warranty but I am happy to have the longer warranty