I have manged to get into a very odd brake system issue (ABS/ base) with my 1987 Corvette convertible .
About 1.5 years ago I picked this car up in the Fall on a lark, it was cheap, not bad looking, new top, fair tires, and drove well. The car was driven for about 5 weeks then put into an enclosed for the winter, sometime in February the battery died and due to the lack of height in the trailer I was unable to jump start the car.
Spring arrives and I decided to drift the car out of the trailer and put a battery in it. I push the brake pedal down and pull the shifter into neutral (all good) and start to drift out, pressed the brake pedal again but this time the pedal went strait to the floor!! Grabbed the E-brake and was able to get the car onto flat ground without any other issues.
While putting the battery in the car I noticed the master cylinder was empty? Looked under the car and no leak? Looked in the trailer and the wood floor was damp but there have been a number of leaker's in the trailer over the years. Filled the M/C and was unable to get a pedal or a leak?
Race season starts with a bang, as in a blown engine and a required roll cage update for the race car so the Vett sits, till fall. Then come fall the girlfriend unit gets sick, twice. I decide to deal with the car next year. Because 2020 will be better (LOL).
So now I have the car up on jack stands trying to bleed the brakes, was able to get all the bleeders open but no fluid? Grab a vacuum bleeder and can get fluid from the right front and right rear, but no, none, zipO fluid from the left front and left rear of the car? Checked to make sure the bleeders were clear, they are and I cannot see any isses with the steel lines or rubber lines.
So I decided to have a look at the ABS module, well I have to say what a PIA place to put it on the car. It is behind the drivers seat, below the speaker in a pocket that has three inches of standing water! Clean the drain hole and find the ABS relay filled with water and someone has been in here before as the orange/ black with was cut off at the relay and rigged back together.
At this point I know I am fighting at least two different issues need more information.
1) Anyone have a clue what happen to the brake fluid in the first place?
2) Can the ABS module block off half the system but not the other side?
3) Since the relay is more than likely toast can I use a stander 4 pole relay?
4) What about the ABS module itself, can it handle being submerged ?
5) What would be involved in deleting the ABS system? Any kits?
Thanks, Paul