Looks like the water pump on my K1500 is gone, has a 350 chevy. Looks pretty straight forward, remove shrowd - fan - 3 hoses on water pump - belt and 4 bolts from water pump.
Anything else I am misisng? I have like a 2-3 hour window avaible to do it before I have to be in at work. Was planning on just using my wife's car but she had to go out of town sooooo any problems you see me running in to?
Besides potentially seized water pump mounting bolts, nope.
yeah thought of that - its a southern truck with no rust so hopfully thats in my favor - thanks for the reply
I did the one on my C-30 Dooley a few years ago--also a 350 SBC. No major issues that I can recall. However, I do remember shearing off one of the thermostat housing bolts when I went to change the thermostat at the same time. That wasn't much fun, and I dare say it added an hour or so to the job. Best of luck to you.
I'll just do the water pump and no thermostat than for now.. thanks!