7/12/17 1:46 p.m.
7/13/17 9:20 a.m.
Miata wave is consistently returned. In the 914, you get the wave back from old air cooled ones, puzzled look from Boxsters, look of disdain from new 911 pilots. In the Super Beetle convertible, it was mostly people wanting to buy it.
Full disclosure, I'm a boater so while on the water I do it all the time.
I also do it when walking or driving in my neighborhood, so it kind of comes as second nature.
Used to get them often on my listed k5 from any other lifted vehicle.
I wave and get some back of in my xj cherokee, from/to other xj's, specially older guys.
People to seem to get confused when I wave to other kia sorento's while driving mine...
Toebra wrote:
In the 914, you get the wave back from old air cooled ones, puzzled look from Boxsters, look of disdain from new 911 pilots.
Bwahaha, see what I'm talking about? 
Joe Gearin wrote:
Whenever I drive my TR-6, I have folks asking about it and waving, even if they aren't in a LBC. Usually the MG guys wave, but I just flip them off!
I know, right... Don't you just hate it when you get "the wave" from a similar, but vastly superior marque?
I kid, kidding, just kidding... 
I got a lot of one finger waves when I had the 9C1.
I wave at any 135i or 1M, or modified E8x or E9x BMW I see.
When I had my Taurus in High School I'd wave at any modified FWD Ford I'd see (I only saw a handful of modified Tauri in the wild).
When I drive my dad's '66 Mustang I wave at any other classic mustang and sometimes any other classic car if it's not a weekend around the dream cruise.