Of the 3 Pony cars the Challenger is the most usable due to the backseat leg room. They took the back and passenger seats totally out for the Demon but you can buy them both for $1 each. That's pretty funny actually. I wouldn't mind having those seats for the Lanai 
I'm just thrilled that there are people out there who recognize Challengers and Camaros and Mustangs as ponycars, and not musclecars.
Knurled said:
Byrneon27 said:
mazdeuce said:
I wonder how they are to autocross. And no, "not good" isn't enough of a description. They don't have to win, just be fun. I like cars that are fun.
It has 840hp there's no way it's not going to be fun
Spoken like someone who never tried to drive an 840hp car.
On the street? It sucks, after the first five minutes at best.
The phrase "never meet your heroes" has basis in fact 
(disclaimer: have only ever driven two, maybe three, >840hp vehicles. All forced induction so theoretically street friendly. But you can't use the power, ever. You can't use HALF the power, ever.)
I've spent my share of time behind the wheel of a few different hellcats. Been involved in the building of more hellcat power level vehicles than I care to think about. Highest power thing I've owned and driven regularly is at least 150hp shy of a hellcat but also close to 1500lb lighter. Too much power is the right amount for me.
The magic of the hellcat cars is they're only ridiculous when you ask them to be. Perfectly docile on the street and maniacal laughter (and prison) is just a toe curl away.
A Demon sans drag tires is bound to be fun to autocross if for no other reason somebody who truly doesnt get the concept of fun (we all know an autocrosser who takes it all far too seriously) will spend the whole day telling anybody within earshot that his CRX/Miata/Focus/Whatever is actually faster.
Feedyurhed said:
Very cool that it exists. Dodge does performance very well but if something happens to sky rocket fuel prices FCA is going to be in a world of hurt. Maybe it doesn't matter anyway since it looks like Hyundai is interested in purchasing Jeep, RAM and the minivan platform. Not much left besides that. I have always been a Chrysler fan because my Dad was a Chrysler engineer but they sure don't prepare for the future well.
that's always been Chrysler's problem. They build some hellaciously overpowered cars right up until fuel prices spike too high to support the habit, then they build some decent little cars (k-Car Varients, Neon, and the like) until the prices drop and then out come the big guns again. It is always either/or with them. There is no reason why something like the neon could not still be in production right alongside this.
Joe Gearin said:
I've autocrossed the 392 Version of the Challenger, and it was a hoot! Judging by how well the Hellcat Widebody handled itself on the infield IMS course, I'd bet it would be a blast to autocross. It would understeer at low speed, but with all that power, oversteer is a foot-prod away.
It was a blast on the roadcourse. Tons of grip, not too much roll, decent steering, and a composed feel. It's not as much of a handful as you'd think a car this heavy and powerful would be. I'd stop short of calling it nimble......but not much. Even the brakes seemed up to the task of repeated track use.
The Hellcat widebody is big, heavy and ridiculous, but I can see it being a ton of fun, nearly everywhere you take it.
Track day---- Heck yeah
Drag Strip--- Of course
Autocross--- sure, why not?
Drift event---- oh my!
Open Road Race--- Sure it tops out at 195mph
Cruise-in event--- yep, star of the show
Fancy Pants Concours--- even the snooty crowd respects 707hp
I can appreciate those who don't appreciate the Hellcat Widebody, but there aren't many cars that can do so much, so well.
Man, now I want to see a Hellcat Widebody with a hydraulic handbrake.
So, how many times did they swap tires during this press event?
The car HAS to have some sort of traction control though right? What quarter mile time would it do with that on?
Joe Gearin
Associate Publisher
10/16/17 11:53 a.m.
The Demon has a rather sophisticated traction control that is more aimed at reducing wheelhop upon launch, than helping you navigate a slippery corner.
The car will only allow three cycles of the wheel hopping until it steps in and calms things down. This is why it's so easy to run low to mid 10 second 1/4 mile times.....even with wheelhop.
I'd imagine the cars all started the day with new rubber---- as I didn't see them changing tires on any of the cars.
And the Demon and Hellcat both---- are Bob Costascats on the street. You'd never know all that power was there.....until you call for it. I'd honestly have no problems putting my 70 year old Mom behind the wheel--- and having her get groceries. She'd never realize the Hell waiting to be unleashed under that right pedal.
The supercharger shriek in the Demon is something else. As it's coming at you-- it sounds like a cat getting eaten by a bear.