I re-wired damn near the entire car this weekend.
About a week or two ago i noticed that the water temp gauge was being flaky. I pulled the panel out to investigate, saw this, and promptly went NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE.

So Saturday, i decided to tear into this thing for round two. It also had an aftermarket alarm and keyless entry that i didn't have the fob for, and in talking to the guy that had the car before Vteckiller2000, he said it didn't work right anyways. YAY. Never removed an alarm before.
Sooo.... a few hours later, this is what i had collected out of the car. ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: ALARM-DECTOMY.

After rebuilding the ignition harness, i decided to move back to the gauges.
Yep... doesn't look any better the second time.

The radio install didn't make me happy either. I don't know WHY the factory harness was cut so far back, or even why it was cut in the first place, since i'm pretty sure there's PNP adapters for these damn things.

Extra crap that we cut out of the gauge wiring.

So, observations:
1) ALL the gauges were wired not only improperly, but incorrectly. This is why the AEM Boost gauge wasn't working prior.
2) I can only imagine how berkeleyed up the wideband voltage offset was. The MS on this car has a breakout aux plug thingymabobber that has 12v, ground, sensor ground, and wideband input on it. Only the wideband input was actually run to this aux harness. With... 4 different kinds of wire spliced together with butt connectors, and tapped in with a vamp clamp. Sensor ground for some reason was built with a similar array of wires and butt connectors, and vamp clamped into a ground on the factory harness.
Now that sensor ground and wideband input are wired properly, the car is going to have to be re-tuned slightly i think. At the very least, i need to re-enter the voltage curve values for the AEM, as i don't feel like this is matching at all right now. Idle is a little weird and erratic compared to before.
3) It's nice having matching gauges, but i'm not much a fan of the AEM boost gauge. Stepper motor and matching gauges because AEM are nice and all, but the stepper motor is a little slow for my tastes for a boost gauge.
Aside: Got into the Megasquirt to see what the pins were for the breakout harness. 1-4 are accounted for. Brain says he usually uses 5 or 14 for VICS, and 15 for EBC. I don't have any of those in use, but i do have 13 attached to a something. This is a unit that i was told should have VICS and EBC ready to rock. Anyone have any ideas?

Oh, also installed a TDR radiator cooling panel. AWWWWWWWYEAH. MODS, BRO. No pictures for you.
Now, let's talk throttle body. It seems i've run into the same thing that Jeff did. 99 head and intake manifold, but still has the NA8 throttle body. The stupid huge hoses and crap off of it are going to make the coolant re-route impossible with the BeGi pipes. Can i just slap a 99-00 throttle body on the car, cap where that big air hose goes on the intercooler piping, and roll? Just recalibrate TPS? (Or swap TPS from NA8 assy to NB1?)
Let's talk BPV/BOV.
1) My intake fits like E36 M3. The filter is rubbing up on the headlight motor quite hard.
2) I berkeleying HATE that crossover tube.
So... anyone know if BeGi makes their intake pipe without the recirc crap on it? I can't find it on their site. Also: Besides potentially louder ricer noises (Doubtful, it's not exactly quiet now), is there any downside at all to running a BOV instead of recirculated BPV on a Megasquirt Miata?