This week was the Kenosha county fair. We had racing fri and sat night that I was shooting as the track photographer. On Sunday my family was running in the derby. We had three cars running in the derby. My oldest niece Rusty In the 720 car in the photo, her bother is hugging her from the 716 car. The other person in the yellow hat is thier cuz Dillion. Rusty got hit pretty hard and went into panic attack and was very rattled. She ended up later in the day after moving very wrong went to the ER for a minor Concussion, some whiplash and bruises. She is pretty banged up today. The other car we had was my 9 year old niece Bri. She is in a wheelchair and someone fixed her power wheels jeep to let her run in the powerwheels derby. She had a blast. See my other post for some other pics from my phone.