Hey guys,
In my ongoing attempt to install SU carbs on my L20B 78 510 I have found some coolant leaks. I think I have narrowed them down to a tiny pin hole in the upper radiator tank,a messed up intake/exhaust gasket caused by me(and bolts that were loose),and what I found today to be a weeping freez plug. How does one go about getting a freeze plug out without it falling in the water jacket,and what is the best way to install a new one? Do I need any sort of sealent on the plug when installing it if I get the old one out? What are the chances I can get a freezeplug for this engine at the local NAPA/other parts house?
Get a new one at NAPA, seal it with Locktite or similar anaerobic sealant, and knock it out by hitting it on the side to spin it in the bore and grab it with a pliers.
6/23/09 1:08 p.m.
Permatex Indian Head shellac is a good, inexpensive frost plug sealant.
If you can't spin it in the bore (or don't want to,) put a self-tapping screw in the plug and use pliers to yank it out.
I had to replace all the freeze plugs in a 5.0 Mustang I used to own. It was originally a Texas car and the PO ran straight water in it for years and they corroded from the inside. I got them out by putting a big flat-blade screwdriver on one of the edges and giving it a good whack with a hammer. That would knock them sideways so that I could grab them with pliers to get them out. Be prepared to wear some coolant. To install the new ones, I put some RTV around the edge and then pressed them into place by putting a large socket in the middle and hitting the socket with the hammer. I later found out you can get fancy-schmancy ones made of rubber that you put in place then tighten a bolt to expand and keep them in place.
6/23/09 1:26 p.m.
Tom_Spangler wrote:
I later found out you can get fancy-schmancy ones made of rubber that you put in place then tighten a bolt to expand and keep them in place.
Yeah, uh, don't use those. They're not as good as you think.
You know what after further inspection,and a days worth of thinking about it I believe that the coolant is just collecting in the bottom of the freeze plug,and not leaking after all. The intake manifold is leaking,and I believe it is due to a gasket I screwed up. I will find out in a few days. What do you guys think of just soldering up the pin holes I found in the upper radiator tank? Should I attempt it myself with help from a plumber friend,or just send it out to a radiator shop?
tanks are easy fix if its brass tank. Wire brush, tinners acid and solder propain your done.
Freeze plugs sheet rock screw and dent puller if it turns out its bad.
I have a plumber friend ToddK on this forum(Triumph TR8 guy),and he says it is impossible to fix a radiator tank. I think otherwise especially with such a tiny pin hole that isn't even visible aside from the weeping coolant. I am not sure what the material is,but if it is copper is it still possible? I am betting it is is brass,but I really don't know. How can I tell if it is brass,or copper?
JB Weld the hell out of it. I had to do that to the radiator in my Catalina after the positive battery terminal melted a sizable hole in the endtank. It didn't leak the entire time I had the car.
New Reader
6/23/09 7:12 p.m.
I once saw MacGuyver use an egg.....
seemed to work fine.
How do I remove a freeze plug? Ummmm-Freeze the engine?
Copper or brass solder it right up.
I've moved necks in the past..