More on this TSX since you like it...
There's a saying around here, "you don't just buy the used car, you also buy the previous owner" or something like that. What it means is don't just annalize the car, annalize the previous owner too.
As for owner on this TSX his profile show little other than he's a Purdue fan of probably 57 yrs old. Same age as me. The picture he shows sort of gives a Purdue Professor vibe. But, its a one owner car. That's great! Ask him questions about the upkeep and you will likely get real and genuine answers.
As for car condition, I notice things like this in pictures:

The intention of the above photo is to highlight the rust but what I see is Continental Control Contact brand tires. To me, this highlights that price was not his only factor for choosing tires. If they were some no-name BS tires, I'd be concerned that he half-assed and half-fixed things on the car. I suspect that is not the case here.
The ad further says:
Burns approximately 1 quart oil every oil change which is about 3000 to 4000 miles.
Somewhat concerning
Recent repairs and maintenance work:
New starter - Jan 2024
New spark plugs - Nov 2023.
New battery - Nov 2023.
These 3 above = great!
Right front tire replaced due to a sidewall blister - July 2023.
One tire is newer. Verify if it is same/similar brand.
New front brake pads and rotors - Sep 2021.
New AC compressor, condenser, expansion valve, and serpentine belt -July 2021.
All great!
Rear window and trunk lid replaced. Dent in roof repaired after tree damage - Mar 2021.
Ask if the roof dent still there? I don't see it. Probably insurance repair. If it's fixed, great. He also didn't need to mention this. Another sign that he is being forthcoming.
New tires at 106,000 miles - Dec 2018.
The car has had 40k more miles since the tires were bought. The picture show 700 treadwear rating so likely rated for 70k miles. With 40k on already the tires are then at less than half tread. In about 20k miles you should consider buying tires. Actually, 3 tires since 1 was replaced last year!
He gives no mention of struts ever being replaced. I would ask about that. Also since the 3 tires are at half life, I would look them over for "weird wear" which might be indicative of worn suspension.
Fall color leaves in the pictures. This car has been on the market for quite some time. Less popular model overlooked by shopper like yourself. You might be able to turn that into a reduced price.
Also a price comment....this looks like a well cared for car. The implied here is that the owner cares for and really likes the car. I suggest being complimentary to him about his upkeep of the car. I recommend statements like, "you intended to keep the car in top shape" and "that you plan to give the car the respect it seems to have always gotten and that it too will be your pride and joy." If the seller is not "race car guy" then I would play down or not mention that you are "race car guy." Many people preceive that as "ruining or wrecking a car." This respect you show to him and his car might get you a better price. I know around here, many of us just want to know that our old car/old friend will continue on in loving hands more than anything.