Sun Feb 20th.
Has anyone been to this show in the past? Considering how rare it is to have a car show in the city of San Francisco I will probably check it out. I expect it to be Fast and Furious/JDM Yo crowd and everyone will be half my age.
In theory it is $5 off with the official flyer
Type Q
2/18/11 12:24 p.m.
I might check it out now that I know about it. However, I am more likely to stay home and apply "Weak Sauce" to my own cars. 
2/18/11 12:35 p.m.
Sounds like a sidewayz hat wearing sausage fest of JDM YO
I'd rather do anything else but go to that.
I know some people into that scene. I would definitely go if I was there, rocking a GRM shirt for good measure.
I know a lot of people on here love to hate on the "other" side of modifying cars, but at the end of the day we share something special with those people that separates us from the majority of appliance-driving Americans. We love our cars. Be it for performance or the way it looks, we all view cars as more than a method to get from point A to point B.
Go. Consider it automotive cultural enrichment. Don't be one of those people that turns up your nose at hardparkers, we're all enthusiasts at the end of the day.
Are the girls in the flyer gonna be there? 
These cars are "art" more than anything else. Go into it with the expectation that they were built to be eye candy and nothing else, and you should enjoy it. These guys are just as passionate as we are about our cars, and that's a good thing.
But if you walk through and think to yourself "Holy crap! Look at the control arms and how messed up the geometry is! That's way too much camber! Why stretch your tires?"... you won't have fun.
These are modern expensive rat rods, but more in common with the BMW Art Cars than anything else.
You'll see beautiful engine bays, blingy wheels, and the like, but there will be a lot of stuff done with incredible attention to detail.
I like these shows. I wouldn't personally own most of the cars, but eye porn is eye porn.
unevolved wrote:
Don't be one of those people that turns up your nose at hardparkers, we're all enthusiasts at the end of the day.
You know what is gayer than RC drifting? Hardparkers.
I hardpark. It's fun when there's no racing events going on. I like to talk to people.
The hardparkers are usually pretty accepting. My car looks like E36 M3. They're usually still interested in it.
unevolved wrote:
Go. Consider it automotive cultural enrichment. Don't be one of those people that turns up your nose at hardparkers, we're all enthusiasts at the end of the day.
I suppose you have a point. I just can't get the racer out of me when I look at this stuff.
Moving onto another topic.... What the heck is a hardparker?
Edit: never mind. I googled it. Oy...
unevolved wrote:
Go. Consider it automotive cultural enrichment. Don't be one of those people that turns up your nose at hardparkers, we're all enthusiasts at the end of the day.
Not to be rude, but that's like sayin football fans should go watch golf because it's a sport that involves a ball. I really don't think hardcore motorsports people have anything in common with hardparkers.
Javelin wrote:
unevolved wrote:
Go. Consider it automotive cultural enrichment. Don't be one of those people that turns up your nose at hardparkers, we're all enthusiasts at the end of the day.
Not to be rude, but that's like sayin football fans should go watch golf because it's a sport that involves a ball. I really don't think hardcore motorsports people have anything in common with hardparkers.
Besides the main thing that both "sects" revolve around? That being... modified cars?
This thread brings mental images of an automotive Jim Crow.
New Reader
2/18/11 2:21 p.m.
Javelin wrote:
Not to be rude, but that's like sayin football fans should go watch golf because it's a sport that involves a ball. I really don't think hardcore motorsports people have anything in common with hardparkers.
Actually, I'd say it's more like suggesting that football fans watch a game of rugby or aussie rules football. Since it still involves running/passing/tacking/and a a prolate spheroid shaped ball.
(Or maybe even NFL fans watching CFL or vice versa, since it's indistinguishable to non-football people. Same as Auto-x/track/car shows are indistinguishable to non-car people...)
No, telling an autocross fan to do HPDE or road racing would be NFL to rugby. Seriously, the only thing we have in common is cars. They (hardparkers) are dedicated to 100% looks, function-be-damned. We are dedicated to 100% performance, often at looks-be-damned.
We put larger tires on for more grip, they put smaller tires on for more stance. We adjust camber for more grip, they adjust camber for less gap. It's just completely opposite cultures.
It's more of a classical music vs. rock debate...
It's more than possible to enjoy both, but only if you're open-minded enough.
No this would be banjo-and-accordian country to death-metal. They're both music, and we both use cars. The similarities end there.
Javelin wrote:
No this would be banjo-and-accordian country to death-mtal. They're both music, and we both use cars. The similarities end there.
But that illustrates exactly why i don't understand the hate.
Both cars serve a purpose, though different ones. Just seems close-minded and irrationally prejudiced to me. But hey, i'm "special."
Not saying it can't be appreciated, but it is the polar opposite of the normal GRM'er ethos.
Javelin wrote:
Not saying it can't be appreciated, but it is the polar opposite of the normal GRM'er ethos.
Yep, understood. You weren't really the one that hurt my brain. 

This makes me want to go hard parking...
2/18/11 11:42 p.m.
unevolved wrote:
I know some people into that scene. I would definitely go if I was there, rocking a GRM shirt for good measure.
I know a lot of people on here love to hate on the "other" side of modifying cars, but at the end of the day we share something special with those people that separates us from the majority of appliance-driving Americans. We love our cars. Be it for performance or the way it looks, we all view cars as more than a method to get from point A to point B.
Go. Consider it automotive cultural enrichment. Don't be one of those people that turns up your nose at hardparkers, we're all enthusiasts at the end of the day.
Besides--in terms of import trends, this is pretty much the epicenter of what's hot at the moment. The cars at this event are cutting edge in terms of impeccable exectution. Sure they aren't raced/beaten-on, but damned if they don't look fantastic.
I have nothing against hardparkers (for the most part). Someone's gotta drive the pretty cars...
yeah, i had to look it up.
Yeah, I think I will go. I have to admit I do surf the Hellaflush type of sites once in a while. I will try to remember to wear my GRM colors.
I like going just to see what people have done. Some of the interpretations of actual race cars can be interesting. Maybe you'll see a cool idea that can actually be applied. I don't think the first people using Home Depot garage molding for front lips were necessarily understanding the function.