honestly, my pick would be a 98-00 3.8L long wheelbase chrysler minivan, preferably a sport model with higher stall converter, 17" wheels, autostick on the shifter, monotone paint all over, honeycomb grille treatment, fog lights, etc.
That generation of vans is massive on the inside, especially if you take the seats out. It'll hit 20mpg on the highway. Its decently powerful, too. The comparable (2g, the first VAN one) odyssey isnt as large inside, and while it may be faster, imo it has just as much tranny issues as a 604 (a604 transmission) caravan.
I worked in a transmission shop for about 2 years and rebuilt a lot of transmissions. Im a real fan of the Caravan design. My boss and many others complained about r&r on caravan transmissions, but i think they were my favorite FWD that would come in. The transmissions arent hard to rebuild, either. But i guess you're saying you would not want to get to that point, right? 
Anyway, i think the 604 is a very good transmission that's gotten a bad rap for a few reasons.
1. for about the first 7 years the 604 had wear problems resulting from inadequate factory controls, improper calibration (it was very tedious on the early electronics), and incorrect fluid useage.
By 96 (96-00 is the generation of van im recommending), that was pretty much sorted out.
The other thing that kills them regardless of year is heat. You NEED a (cheap and easy) tranny cooler on your 604 minivan if you expect it to last. Vans with tow packages or cooling packages came with one. My parents just traded in a 97 caravan with a trans cooler on it at 230k, and the transmission still worked. I took it out at ~205k and put new seals and clutches in it because the seals were getting hard and it wouldnt run right when cold, but thats the same anywhere you go. There were no hard parts failing, and if the seals hadnt aged it could have kept going. Between myself, a few friends, and my parents, we've owned a lot of 604s and ive found them to be among the better transmissions out there.
Just put a cooler on it, change the fluid occasionally, and you should be good for a long time. Ive also done probably 4k miles of towing with GVW over 7000lbs with that tranny. So you can definitely flat tow or dolley tow a light car with one, or a light car on a light trailer.
oh and the 3.8 is dead nuts reliable, and you can get them in AWD.