What would the hive recommend?
Looking for a fun family car that can carry two child car seats, one of them rear facing.
Around $20k, 2016 or newer, with some leeway.
Will be my wife's commuter, she drives 10 minutes, and shared on weekends. Wish I was looking and she could take my sorento appliance.
Occasional autocross hopefully. Manual required by me, she accepts.
She used to have a 2005 MINI and likes them but after testing the 2018 clubman (and countryman ) she was not impressed and neither was I, although could live with an S. We would not fit on their 5 door. Also a bit proud of their product $.
On paper the 2018 Hyundai Elantra GT Sport looks like it could fit the bill but have not tested it. More power than the S and an inch away in dimensions.
The chevy cruze hatchback with the suspension/exhaust upgrade ($3k) would be also similar. I'm also a chevy guy at heart although not lately by my acts.
That means no ford focus. Also no VW, would be replacing a VW Passat that I truly dislike everything but engine and transmission.
Her requirements are, more or less, she would like it to feel nice (?), which the passat interior does for her, no full black interior, and heated seats.
Could also end up with a less sporty 5 door that she likes and I get a challenged priced car for autocross, hooning and maybe the gambler 500 ( planning on taking my jeep xj so far).
Thoughts and expiriences welcomed. Thanks.