Just a couple of days after our week in Monterey we were on the road again—this time the SCCA Tire Rack Solo Nationals in Lincoln, Nebraska, followed by the LS Fest in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Yeah, we get around.
JG and David represented GRM at Solo Nats, with JG driving our Mustang GT project car in the CAM-C class. At …
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Small update: JG is still on his way back from Nationals. Yeah, that was a long week.
9/12/16 11:05 a.m.
What a week indeed. I left my house last sunday 9/4 at about 6am, auto crossed at NCM in Bowling Green, left from there to Solo Nats In Lincoln. Placed 30th of 86 drivers in the record setting CS class. Left Lincoln wednesday 9/14, 4 trailer tire flats later made my way back to Bowling Green. Dropped my car and trailer at NCM, picked up the club trailer and took it to Beech Bend, setup for LS Fest. Worked LS Fest all three days, loaded the club trailer and back to NCM to pick up my 350Z and trailer and head home, got home at 8:30 last night 9/11. Once you're in the groove it goes quickly but after sleeping in a bit today I feel pretty rough. Not sure how you guys handle this type of event to event lifestyle but I sure do respect it.
Is there a jackstand under that mustang in the picture gallery? looks like a dude under the rear of a car with only the jack at an scca event...
Autolex wrote:
Is there a jackstand under that mustang in the picture gallery? looks like a dude under the rear of a car with only the jack at an scca event...
Yep, there are two under there. They're placed under the rear axle itself.
I love the sound of the exhaust on the project mustang!
Sorry I didn't get to meet you guys. I was in grid with a friend when you guys were running, but I didn't want to bother you during the heat of the moment.
But I did snap a couple pics!

Meh, with us there's little "heat of the moment." 
Next year, grab us and say hi. It was awesome seeing everyone.
And cool pics. Thanks to taking them. Yeah, the Mustang sounds good out there. JG drove the snot out of it, too.