bad idea time
I have an option to sell my legacy and buy something very fun, but 2 dealerships and carmax all gave me bids that are nearly 2.5-3K below what Edmunds and KBB are offering. I'd be selling it with spare tires on wheels, a new in box water pump, and a recently replaced and serviced timing belt with official seal from one of said dealerships. I've already detailed in the interior. What else should I do before attempting to make a listing on FB Market? Serious washdown?
Armor all and clean under the hood. Detail the entire car. Take great pictures in a park.
Make it a dating profile.
Hot singles in your area want a sensible Subaru offering.
In this market it seems you could mutter " I think I'm gonna sell my car" in a deserted field and get 10 offers in an hour really
So far I've had 5 since uploading ~15 hours prior, but only 2 seem to be at all serious.
The days you went to the 2 dealerships and carmax were days that you were trying to sell your car. The used car buyer is looking at how little do I have to do to put this car on the lot. Was the car already detailed when they saw it? Were you showing them a car that was clean and ready?
A new, in-box water pump doesn't send warm and fussy to a buyer. Being a Subaru, it says to me the owner bought a water pump only to find out the real issue of overheating is a head gasket so $3k off to fix HG.
Spare tires are unwanted by dealers. It's hard to send a car to auction with the interior filled with other tires.