Found some issues on the LZ9, will report on this once I get good pics and the proper calipers for measuring. But the intake had to come off and it looks like there was some leakage of oil into the intakes. So what brand is the best and should I spray them with anything? Options are Felpro, Mahle or victor reinz
another pic. Is the carbon on the far right port from oil leakage?
It's pretty rare that you don't get some oil past the valve seals on those.
All three of those brands are dandy and I've used them all. The printed silicone o-rings need no sealant, and in fact can make it fail faster. Clean and dry. At least if you do use some kind of sealant, make sure it's not RTV. It doesn't cure hard enough and the constant vibes from vacuum and pressure will cause it to fail.
The carbon in the far right port could simply be a bit of reversion. Open up any engine and you'll find carbon nearly everywhere. To me it looks like normal carbon and the pattern is likely where the gas injection washed it off.
Thanks. This is the first motor I opened up with less than 200K miles, not sure if everything is normal.
Felpro served me well on the last V6 I did the head gaskets. It was a Ford not a GM if that matters.