Pappy called and said he's thinking about a new civic turbo for a dd beating around car. He has a built hyabusa a road race yamaha 400 and an rc51 so he's a pretty enthusiastic type of dude typically. I can't help but feel like he's going to be left flat by the civic. What sayeth the hive mind? He's not going to entertain anything korean or anything used. I told him to check out fo-st. He's partial to jap stuff (toyota/honda) because reliable. What should he check out? He's going to pull the trigger this week, so hurry! Budget is <25k.
You had me at RC51. Nothing from Korea? Either the hot Focus or Fiesta sound good. VW GTI is out of your budget I think.
I know you said nothing used, but a 2016 Mustang, EcoBoost, with 122 miles seems like the ticket;
3/5/17 10:00 p.m.
Fist seems to be the answer.
Civic Turbo, Energy Green, stick shift. Have him try a Fiesta ST and the Civic back-to-back.
You say "left flat" by the civic. Do you mean he'll be bored with it? Because if he has a built hayabusa i dont think he is going to find any cars to be exciting.
I cant conceive of a scenario where I would choose to spend 25k on a berking civic. Never mind a non si/ non type r. Fiesta is small isn't it, you can get fost for this money if you are careful with options I think. I think he should get a vette (he had a 65? coupe when he was younger) but he wants to buy something brand new.
I've seen new Focus ST's advertised here in Melbourne for $24K. They're much larger and better equipped than the FiST.
There is a 79yo locally that just bought a modestly modified S2000.
He participated in a Starting Line school 3 weeks ago, and his first autocross was 2 weeks ago. It's been a lot of fun watching him progress.
SCCA even had a blurb about him on their FB page.

So, I vote S2K and a annual autocross registration. 
I think he wants to be able to transport both wife and good sized pitbull so coupes are unlikely to resonate with him. He's full of surprises though so......
If it's for DD and driving around then I don't see what's wrong with the civic.
sesto elemento wrote: What should he check out?
Golf GTI Sport (or any version with the performance package).

Add stage 1 tune.

Yes - GTI. $25k. Sporty small car for adults. Civics are for kids.
Mustang V6 is also $25k but they are big and not as fun as a GTI.
Had a gti, worst car i ever owned, neither of us would touch one with a ten foot pole. Berkley those cars.
97 vr6. Absolutely terrible car.
Sounds terrible. Times have changed since the '90's. The 2006 and later GTI's are great cars. Get your head out of your ass. :)
sesto elemento wrote:
97 vr6. Absolutely terrible car.
My dad is almost 65, he bought a 2001 M Coupe last year for not much more than your budget and absolutely loves it. You can get a solid S52 car in your budget, or an S54 car for a bit more; with the bonus of never experiencing depreciation.
What's wrong with the civic though? lol