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Tom_Spangler GRM+ Memberand Reader
12/6/11 1:44 p.m.

Well, since the collective has convinced me that it is still worth it to swap in a SBF, and I happen to have (most of) a complete 5.0 out of my old 89 Mustang sitting around, I'm trying to decide what I want to put it into. Intended use for this car would be maybe 50/50 street vs. HPDE/autocross. Needs to be something where I can pick up the recipient in halfway decent and rust-free condition for around $2K, plus or (preferably) minus a few hundred. I'd like it to be significantly lighter and better handling than a Fox Mustang, because otherwise, what's the point? And I'd like to be able to do this with a kit or at the very least some pre-designed mounts. I'm pretty handy with a wrench and have a good, dedicated work place with plenty of tools, but fabricating from scratch is a bit beyond my ability.

Sorry, no Miatas. BTDT, and I'd really rather have a roof. Plus, they just don't do it for me.

Here are some contenders that I've thought of:

FB RX-7: Easy and cheap, I've had one so I know them pretty well, they are dead-simple cars. Very light. The main cons are the primitive suspension and recirculating ball steering.

FC FX-7: It's been done many times, so I'm not reinventing the wheel. Much better brakes and suspension than the FB, I like the looks, nice interior.

E30: My heart and my growing love for the propeller make me want this. It has been done and mounts are available, but from what I'm hearing, people are still working out the bugs on this one, especially with regard to things like power brakes. I'm leery.

E36: This has been done more than the E30 and is supposedly easier. It's a better chassis than the E30 in every way, but it's a bit heavier, but I have one now, and it's a great car, but the styling is bland-o-rama to me.

Volvo 240: I don't know a lot about this one, I've heard it's easy and the cars have great stock brakes. To be honest, the cars don't do much for me, so I don't really know why I'd bother.

Early Datsun Z: Light, but tough to find a rust-free example, and the only mounts I can find are for the 240 and 260.

Datsun 280ZX: I have an irrational love for these cars, despite their boulevard-cruiser-ness, but the only V8 mounts I can find are for the SBC.

Feel free to comment on any of these or suggest something else that I've missed.

imirk Reader
12/6/11 1:46 p.m.

FFR Roadster :D

Edit: Roof Required... Sunbeam Alpine?(Harrington?)

edit: Pinto.

Edit Maverick

Hungary Bill
Hungary Bill GRM+ Memberand New Reader
12/6/11 1:48 p.m.


shoot... just saw the roof thing.

Conquest351 HalfDork
12/6/11 1:54 p.m.

I had a 351-W in a 1989 Conquest TSi. It fits.

imirk Reader
12/6/11 1:55 p.m.

280ZX seems like the answer, or a similiar vintage supra or celica.

itsarebuild GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
12/6/11 1:56 p.m.

i'd say do the datsun thing. mounts really arent that hard in comparison to everything else (oil pans, exhaust, etc) and they are very cool.

otherwise FC.....

btp76 Reader
12/6/11 2:00 p.m.

I went through this same process for a LeMons car. My answer was FC.

familytruckster Reader
12/6/11 2:04 p.m.

E36. Easy to find under 2K. Cheap plentiful parts.

Although not smaller/lighter than a mustang, crown vics can handle better with less modification. And it's a plug and play swap.

RossD SuperDork
12/6/11 2:17 p.m.

XR4Ti or Scorpio

Ranger with an IRS 8.8 out back.

driver109x HalfDork
12/6/11 2:17 p.m.

te72 corolla, ae86 corolla, s13 240sx, mk3 celica, mk2/3 supra, e21 bmw...

12/6/11 2:18 p.m.


Ranger50 Dork
12/6/11 2:21 p.m.
RossD wrote: Ranger with an IRS 8.8 out back.


Curmudgeon SuperDork
12/6/11 2:21 p.m.

For ease: FC RX7, specifically the 88-91 version; much better brakes.

Strike_Zero HalfDork
12/6/11 2:23 p.m.

E36, FC, FB, Miata . . .

Javelin GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
12/6/11 2:24 p.m.

FB for the coolness factor or FC for the better suspension/brakes/steering.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker SuperDork
12/6/11 2:29 p.m.

There was an ad on here for a nearly flawless and engineless 924... bidding was at $617 last I checked.

ransom GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/6/11 2:35 p.m.

Had an M52-swapped E30. Really good car, good autocrosser. Never fell in love (though I was comparing it to a 2002, not one of your other contenders). So... FC for cheaper speed? I'm under the impression that the FC would be less nose-heavy than the E30 (though the 5.0 tucked against the firewall might be less so than the factory configuration?).

FC seems like the winner in terms of cold, calculating most speed/best handling for least time/money/blood/sweat/tears.

You should clearly not do the Volvo 240. I, on the other hand, would love a V8 wagon...

pres589 Dork
12/6/11 2:41 p.m.

FC RX-7, XR4ti, Capri. Especially that last one.

aussiesmg SuperDork
12/6/11 2:41 p.m.

Most of those cars are not lighter than my 86 notch Mustang, my FB RX7 is, with the 5.0 in it, by about 200lb at 2450. Both have full interiors as of now. Of corse the Fox has a 351

pilotbraden Dork
12/6/11 2:52 p.m.

I have owned 4 cars that I have considered dropping a 302 into. Volvo 242, Volvo 960, 85 RX-7 and a Miata. The 242 or the Miata might still get the transplant.

Tom_Spangler GRM+ Memberand Reader
12/6/11 2:58 p.m.

Lots of great suggestions, keep them coming! But I have to ask how many of these besides the RX-7s and BMWs actually have kits or mounts? Or at least a build thread I can look at to see what the "gotchas" are before I plunk down cash for something that may not even work.

corytate HalfDork
12/6/11 3:00 p.m.

3g supra.

imirk Reader
12/6/11 3:05 p.m.

anything will "work" if you have a welder

ReverendDexter SuperDork
12/6/11 3:21 p.m.

FFR Type 65 Coupe

Real answer sounds like either FC or 280Z. The FC will be an easier swap, but it sounds like you'd be happier to have the Z once you were done.

I mean, in the end that's the goal, right? A car that you're truly happy with and can drive every day? I think it's worth the extra work to get that.

pilotbraden Dork
12/6/11 3:22 p.m.


Volvo kits

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