I am not above admitting that I use wd40 on everything, but that has to change now that I am doing more metal fab.
What steel cutting fluid is decent and readily available (or cheap to get on Amazon Prime)?
I am not above admitting that I use wd40 on everything, but that has to change now that I am doing more metal fab.
What steel cutting fluid is decent and readily available (or cheap to get on Amazon Prime)?
93EXCivic wrote: Tap Magic? That is what I have always used. Although at work I am trying out Anchorlube G-771.
How many moving parts does an anchor have that it needs special lube?
Where the heck to I buy this stuff? Is it an autozone/NAPA type of thing? The local big box places dont seem to carry any of that stuff.
Tap magic, Id just go to a local industrial supply store for access to the full line of their products. Or check this..... http://www.tapmagic.com/TMwhere.htm
You're out of our sales region or I'd say us. We get in trouble with territories though.
benzbaronDaryn wrote: There is tap fluid in home despot plumbing section, I just got a quart of the stinky stuff.
Ordinary used motor oil is good for cutting or drilling steel, but don't expect to paint or weld the part until it is thoroughly cleaned. You'll need at least hot soapy water or TSP. The same properties that help it adhere to surfaces to provide boundary layer lubrication when needed will continue to provide boundary layer lubrication when you'd rather replace the boundary layer with something else.
Thats it Jere, stuff makes a mess and literally I feel coated after using it. I agree a pain to clean after using.
Both the Anchorlube G-771 and Tap Magic are available on McMaster Carr. Tap Magic is about twice the price though.
For threading AL I keep Relton Rapid-Tap and Tap-Magic aluminum formulation on hand.
Milling and turning AL I use WD-40. Actually, it's all I use it for. It's only barely a lubricant 'til it evaporates, then it's nothing.
Turning and milling mild steel can be done dry on 12L14, a leaded, free-machining alloy. I use the smelly brown sulphur-based oil on 1020 and such if it's needed, and for threading in all steels.
I have flood coolant systems on the lathe, mill and horizontal band saw as well as droplet on the mill. I keep Rustlick WS50 in those mixed about 20-1. I use it in the saw almost always, turning larger stainless and any really big steel parts, and occasionally milling stainless.
If you're doing mostly steel just hit Home Despot for a bottle of Rigid pipe threading lube. Use ATF for tapping AL.
For titanium machining and turning, the homegrown lube is milk. Basically water with fat suspended in it (I would go with whole milk, not that skim stuff).
When I machine AL I have used mineral sprits and/or kerosene for lube. When tapping AL I use a lube for AL threading. On most steels I just use a common cutting lube but when tapping I use the good stuff Tap-Magic, Rapid-Tap, or similar. I have no favorite.
Tap magic, anchor lube, TD foamy all work well. Mike'O'Cut is another. All are available at your local Fastenal.
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