I finally dropped the replacement engine into the Grand Am and bolted down all the mounts. tomorrow is all the wiring, starter, AC, etc.
What are the hydro cables like? Plastic? Rubber? Do they seem tolerant of foolishness? If I drop a brake rotor on one will it fail? If I weld nearby will they be destroy.
They appear to be very durable. I don't think I'd want to drop a rotor on them because a direct hit would create a weak point, but I think that the likelihood of that happening would be very low. Nor would I weld directly above them, but they have quick disconnects on them and once the lift is resting on the safety bars, you can disconnect the lines and get them out of the way.
I'm liking that lift! Could have used it yesterday, pulled and rebuilt the starter on the Jensenator, then pulled the diff to see where all the howling was coming from last weekend, turned out the pinion gear is so worn I could shave with it. Not sure why that happened, hypoid gears are voodoo and goat entrails to me.
I actually found the time to charge up the diesels' batteries, plug in the block heater (even in 80F weather), and moved it 100' to jack up the back to take flat rear tire off. Now to find somewhere open on a holiday to get it aired back up.
moved it so i could get to some tools and the weed eater, let it warm up and noticed it decided today was a good day to start vomiting coolant!
Installed the areo bits on the new to me Miata.
Muffin the Jeep had sat for over 3 years, but moved under her own power yesterday!
Removed 3 wasp nests, without getting stung! Also removed about 5 pounds of dirt dobber nests. Used an entire bottle of Simple Green and half a roll of Blue Shop Towels to clean the interior, all kinds of critters had been living in it. She cleaned up pretty well.
I painted up another pair or calipers . . . and stuck some decals on 'em !
These will be for my "new' (to me) Mini-T dune buggy.
Which I plan on grafting my fiberglass 32 Ford grill shell onto.
Not my buggy, but only meant as a Photo-Chop example to show what I'm gonna do to mine. I don't know why the manufacturers didn't offer a Mini-Deuce originally. I like the look !
Removed the faulty battery-disconnect from the rx7 that was causing the no-wanna-start issues. Then I got online and ordered some stuff to get the electrics sorted.
Took the Mini out for a lunch time spin.
Put the broken GT6 back into the winter storage shelter (that's been fitted with a new roof!). On a good note, after priming the carbs with the fuel pump lever, the car started right up and the transmission worked well enough to drive it into the back yard, which definitely saved my buddy and I a lot of pushing.
Maybe I'll work on the TDI tonight...
We pulled the 924 out of hibernation. It hadn't seen sunshine in over a year. Started right up with a jump.
Cleaned up the old shop (just starting renting some new warehouse space). It's been a little neglected and dusty and disorganized. Decided to pull everything out, sweep up and reorganize.
Cost? 20 precious minutes out of my day.
Reward? The "O so wonderful" feeling of a clean and organized shop. It's really refreshing to do for efficiency and also the mental refresher
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