My cousin just gave me, as in signed over the title and told me to get it the berkley out of here, a 1994 Lincoln Continental while on his way to the Caddy dealer for it's replacement. He had the valves done by a 'shade tree mechanic who was the son of one of his co-workers. It has a knock that seems to be coming from the valvetrain indicating that something must have been left loose. Its a 3.8 V6. Outside of the knock it is in very good condition. He said he spent money at another shop replacing the air suspension with a conventional one. I don't yet know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
What can I do with it? After a little internet research I found out that is basically a Taurus with a bigger trunk and a hood ornament. Can I swap an SHO engine and a 5 speed into it? There is also a Taurus police package that has bigger sway bars to fit this chassis and some other stuff. This could be my next Challenge entry. I never have been one to turn down a free car.
i think you could get a dohc 4.6 in these?
In the later chassis ones, I dunno if it will forward-swap. I see all sorts of cool potential for this one, and yes the conventional suspension swap is a GOOD thing!
3/24/09 11:06 a.m.
As for the swap, these cars (and some other Lincolns) came with a soft-ride air bag suspension. The air bags or lines get get old and no longer hold air. The car then looks like a low-rider. The change to conventional springs and shocks is cheaper than trying to find all the leaks in the system. It is a good thing.
Sample picture with blown air suspension:

3/24/09 12:08 p.m.
Put 6 girlies in it and pump License to Ill.
Just drive it... they get surprising highway gas mileage.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
Just drive it... they get surprising highway gas mileage.
surprising bad or surprising good?
That 3.8 is a head gasket eater, my buddy had one in a thunderchicken.
Surprisingly good. I had my gf's little brother drive me out to meet Chris off the boards to get parts for my deathscort.
It averaged over 30mpg at 70mph. The top gear is REALLY long.
racinginc215 wrote:
What kind of mileage do they get with a knock?
Depends how bad it is..... maybe to your house? 
93celicaGT2 wrote:
racinginc215 wrote:
What kind of mileage do they get with a knock?
Depends how bad it is..... maybe to your house?
It's going home on the trailer.
Your cousin must hate your guts. My wife had a 91 Continental and it was a colossal POS. I will say it was the most comfortable car we have ever owned, when it was running. It also got 29 mpg on the road. Three transmissions, a head job, bad vacuum booster for the brakes, bad dash module, bad AC module, bad air bags ($600 per corner at the dealer) and a bad sensor in the AC unit (buried in the dash). We got rid of it at about 130k miles. I heard the same sort of BS excuses from Lincoln that I had heard from GM about my Vega. The main one was "the car is built on the Taurus body and isn't strong enough".
Gram Crackers + marshmallows + chocolate + a match?
There is a reason why he gave it to you. I bet the junk yard did not want it. The continentals of that era were nothing but trouble. Glorified Sable/Taurus. (only had v6's) The town car on the other had was a great car. V8 RWD land yacht goodness.
How much gas was in the tank?
I've never known much about these cars, its to bad they suck. I saw one parked between a MINI and someother newer full size asian car. The Conti actually looked kind of small next to them, and had nice lines. Don't see many on the road, though, I guess these posts explain why.
part it down on eBay, then scrap the hulk.
3/24/09 7:51 p.m.
Burn it, burn it to the ground and never look back.
I had the unfortunate lapse of sanity to own one of these a few years ago. When it was right it was a decent comfy ride, nothing special....but the more I threw money at keeping it running the more it wanted.
I'm a big fan of cheap beaters and I wouldnt take a free one to run on the BABE rally at this point....left a very deep hatred in my heart that one did.
When I went to trade it in on a "new" truck I didnt like the trade offer so I left. The trans barfed leaving the lot (no prior signs of a problem) so I coasted back into a parking space and went in to sign the papers on the truck. I'd feel bad but they didnt give me much for trade so...meh.
Jump it, then shoot at it. Then light it on fire.
Lincoln Continental you don't have to pay for, don't know what to do...
...isn't it obvious!!??...

aircooled wrote:
Lincoln Continental you don't have to pay for, don't know what to do...
...isn't it obvious!!??...
Deathmobile Challenge Car!! I like it!!
If you were in Mi I would snag it for a Beetle donor. Alas I +1 Wills idea.
Type Q
3/30/09 1:37 p.m.
Lemons racer. Ebay the interior bits to pay for the engine repairs and safety equipment