I have been offered a Hoon truck in trade for a truck that just has been sitting with no use and this thing might be a real hoot. I do not know much about these engines. Read the AD and let me know what you think.

Paul B
I used to be really in to the 240sx. This site is a wealth of info: http://www.ka-t.org/
Ditto and they are pretty burly motors. Keep the tune a little rich and you will be able to get a pretty solid amount of power out of it. If you are interested in it, I think that you can't go wrong since you are putting no money in it and aren't using the trade truck. What do you value your truck at though? I can't imagine this thing in its current condition being worth any more than $2k, if that.
I think "infamous nissan air bubble" translates to "needs head gasket" in non-HOONIGAN speak. That thing has a lot of red flags going on, IMO. Also, I'd bet anything the interior reeks of vaping.
5/26/16 11:47 a.m.
pointofdeparture wrote:
I think "infamous nissan air bubble" translates to "needs head gasket" in non-HOONIGAN speak. That thing has a lot of red flags going on, IMO. Also, I'd bet anything the interior reeks of vaping.
I thoroughly enjoyed this post.
That thing is probably a huge turd that needs a HG but how hard would a headgasket be on a 4 cyl? Id love to beat that truck to death.
But id probably try and sell your truck if it would be worth more then the hoon truck.
I just dont see that steamy pile selling quickly, its a hot mess and the spray paint stencils probably severely limit its group of potential buyers.
And yes it probably does reeks of vaping
Lets just say this is the first time ive heard of the "infamous nissan air bubble" and ive owned 3 of these motors and worked on a dozen more. A friend build a kat (forged everything) and its awesome. The stock motor the turbo bits came off of died a random oil starvation death but i hear the rods get flimsy after 250-300whp. Otherwise great torquey motors
If it's blowing bubbles in the coolant overflow it definitely has a head gasket leak. If it's been overheated, the head will be low down the center, and will "bow" longways when you unbolt it. If you just take it to get skimmed flat, the cam galley will sag in the middle when you're done.
If you want to get into it here's where you start;
- Take the cam out and check the cam galley for flatness.
- After unbolting the head from the block, check the cam galley for bow and record it. If it's bowed the head will need to be bolted to something to flatten it before skimming the sealing surface.
I actually did one on a KA24DE with a straight edge, a feeler gauge, a single cut mill file and a few beers. You just have to clean the file frequently so you don't drag chunks across the surface and make grooves....,
I am currently in the process of installing the CX Racing kit on my KA24E 240SX. I've done quite a bit of google-fu and forum searching for info on the kit. Only found positive reviews from those that actually own them. This doesn't count the majority of trash talking of people who think buying a Chinese turbo is a bad idea in general.
Supposedly the kit is capable of 232WHP on the multi port stock injection and 7 lbs of boost. I imagine the single port injection of the Hardbody drops the numbers down a bit.
As for that truck...um, that looks quite sketchy. If the condition of the body and interior reflect the quality of engine work I would run. Looks like they decided to boost an already tired motor until they broke it. It may just be the "infamous cooling system bubble", but doubtful. A couple of heat cycles should have burped the system, let alone the berkeleying bleed screw Nissan installed in the system to remedy it.
If it's nearly free, then hell yeah, hoon that bitch until it blows and then drop another motor in and blow it up too. Good thing about the SOHC is that nobody wants them and is essentially a boat anchor. I've already bought 2 of them for $40 each. EVERY Nissan fanboi either does the DOHC swap or SR20, so lots of decent blocks collecting dust in side yards.