12/10/15 1:35 p.m.
I thought there was a GRM Dictionary but I can't find it. I found a few threads explaining GRM acronyms but TL;DR wasn't listed. Sometimes it is written "TLDR."
I sorta gathered it meant something along the lines of "long story short,..." but that's just a guess.
12/10/15 1:56 p.m.
It's fairly common all over the internet, so that's why you didn't see it on the GRM wiki.
Others that took me a bit to figure out:
- MFW/MRW My Face when or My reaction when. Lots of other ones in this vein like His/Her/There Face when... the post would normally have a 'reaction' picture with a short story about some situation.
- IRL In Real Life
- TIL Today I learned... which is very applicable in this conversation so I'll stop here!
I accidentally used IIRC at work and had to explain it to someone.
12/10/15 2:15 p.m.
In reply to spitfirebill:
I see IIRC way more than ISTR. Like I probably couldn't come up with it.
RossD wrote:
In reply to spitfirebill:
I see IIRC way more than ISTR. Like I probably couldn't come up with it.
I may have invented it myself. I cannot recall
Aren't they Acura models?
12/10/15 3:52 p.m.
In reply to alfadriver:
The difference is I usually try to determine what an internet acronym means whereas I completely ignore Acuras.
RossD wrote:
It's fairly common all over the internet, so that's why you didn't see it on the GRM wiki.
Others that took me a bit to figure out:
1. MFW/MRW My Face when or My reaction when. Lots of other ones in this vein like His/Her/There Face when... the post would normally have a 'reaction' picture with a short story about some situation.
2. IRL In Real Life
3. TIL Today I learned... which is very applicable in this conversation so I'll stop here!
Never seen MFW
Always seen TFW, That Face When or That Feel When. There is no place for proper grammar on the Internetz, sir.
TLDR means "I would like to voice an opinion based on as little information as possible".
12/10/15 4:45 p.m.
"Dear Sir or Madam,
I am perturbed by your lack of brevity and conciseness in your resent posting to this messaging forum. I feel you should be aware, that I did scroll past it in due haste, and did not linger my gaze on any of your words beyond the very first few. It was in those young, formative sentences that I decided your weighty tome has neither wit nor content of value equal or greater than the time I would have spent comprehending it, and in my strong personal opinion, it would contribute very little to the discussion at hand.
I bid you good day. Sincerely yours,
Rageface McTrollington."
12/10/15 4:53 p.m.
TLDR I know. IIRC I know. The others mentioned in this thread I've never seen like MFW (If I saw this I would've thought it was a typo of Monday Night Football.).
12/10/15 6:57 p.m.
DWNSHFT wrote:
I thought there was a GRM Dictionary but I can't find it. I found a few threads explaining GRM acronyms but TL;DR wasn't listed. Sometimes it is written "TLDR."
I sorta gathered it meant something along the lines of "long story short,..." but that's just a guess.
my go to ... http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=tl%3Bdr
12/10/15 7:01 p.m.
Keith Tanner wrote:
TLDR means "I would like to voice an opinion based on as little information as possible".
I usually use TL;DR when a thread is multiple pages long, and I haven't kept up with any of it ... but I can give an answer/opinion to the OP's opening post ... so I'd be giving an opinion with the same amount of info as if I'd been the first to answer the OP 
Papabear wrote:
Too Long Didn't Read
He just wants to know what TL;DR means.
(what does a yellow light mean?)
(slow down.)
(whaaat doooooes aaa yeellllooowwww liiiiight meeeaaan?)
Type Q
12/10/15 7:12 p.m.
Can we make up our own
TLTT = Too Lazy To Type
TLCP = Too Lazy to Cut and Paste

wbjones wrote:
DWNSHFT wrote:
I thought there was a GRM Dictionary but I can't find it. I found a few threads explaining GRM acronyms but TL;DR wasn't listed. Sometimes it is written "TLDR."
I sorta gathered it meant something along the lines of "long story short,..." but that's just a guess.
my go to ... http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=tl%3Bdr
I would be careful with Urban Dictionary as many of the entries and definitions are NSFW (Internetizens should know this one by now...) and/or NSFLunch.
12/11/15 11:15 a.m.
Knurled wrote:
Papabear wrote:
Too Long Didn't Read
He just wants to know what TL;DR means.
(what does a yellow light mean?)
(slow down.)
(whaaat doooooes aaa yeellllooowwww liiiiight meeeaaan?)
One time, a girl I was seeing at the time called me and accidentally woke me in my sleep. it was only like 10 or so at night, but for whatever reason, I thought it was 3 in the morning.
Me: Hi, why are you calling me so early?
Her: What? (she heard me just fine, but I thought she didn't hear me)
Me: Why. Are. You. Calling. Me. So. Early?
Her: What? (you can probably understand her confusion at this point)
Her: Why are you yelling at me?
Yeah, didn't go so well.
Keith Tanner wrote:
TLDR means "I would like to voice an opinion based on as little information as possible".
sometimes it means " i figured out what you were saying based on you first sentence and a quick scan of the other 12 paragraphs of useless filler and am skipping to the part where i post my response to your long winded rant"..
sometimes it also means "it's funny that you wasted so much time typing out or copy/pasting something that no one cares about enough to actually read".. used in this context, it's a way of "dissing" the other person, as the kids these days say..