5/20/08 9:15 p.m.

OK, so I had to re-register from scratch, and now the entire history of this site prior to yesterday no longer exists. All previously posted topics, history, post counts, etc. is gone.

Was everything lost, or did something screwy happen to just me???

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
5/20/08 9:27 p.m.

Look around a bit.. that one (and many others) have been answered.

For what it's worth, we sent out multiple emails inviting people to check it out ahead of time, and even put a (somewhat surreptitious) post on the board last week.

5/20/08 9:41 p.m.

No like. Nope, not at all...

Not that it matters!

SVreX SuperDork
5/20/08 9:50 p.m.

Never saw an e-mail or other warning.

Strange, considering how high my old post count was.

Oh well.

SVreX SuperDork
5/20/08 9:53 p.m.

With all due respect, Tim, I'm not really into trying to "look around". There are an awful lot of pages of unfamiliar stuff here, and I'm not rolling in time to dig through it.

I was trying to get a brief synopsis.

Maybe you could put a summary of what went down on the home page.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
5/20/08 10:00 p.m.

Given your post count, you should have received at least two emails inviting you to the beta testing.

I'm probably not the best for a brief synopsis, as I've been putting out fires pretty much non-stop for days now and my brain is fried, but here's a short version:

There's an all new GRM. It has a lot of new features, with many more planned.

The old board posts will again become available as an archive as soon as I can get that together.

You'll probably have a lot of specific questions, too.

SVreX SuperDork
5/20/08 10:06 p.m.

Thanks, Tim.

I'm sure you're fried, and I respect that.

I don't need to bother you with a bunch of specifics. I am curious, however, on one thing. Was this supposed to be an improvement, or was it a response to a problem??

Other than that, carry on, and I appreciate your efforts.

Oh, and BTW, for the record, I did not receive any emails regarding the beta testing.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
5/20/08 10:09 p.m.

Emails may have gone to your junk mail, or maybe your email on record was out of date... who knows. Would've loved to have had you in on the testing though.

There's both a lot of improvements, a lot of problems fixed, and a lot of things you all have asked for either in place or on the way.

Sorry if I seemed a bit short. I'm on hour 16, and should probably call it a day.

SVreX SuperDork
5/20/08 10:30 p.m.

I only have 1 email address, and I've always had the same address.

I'm concerned about the integrity of the community, when we are being asked to re-register. Some people are using their old names, but others pick a new one.

I am already seeing that I no longer recognize some people's new screen names. It has taken me years to learn the personalities of a lot of people on this site and identify them with their screen names, then also learn their real names as I get to know them.

Now it looks like it's time for a do-over. I'm thinking that could well be a whole lot more energy than I can put into this.

I'm also shocked to see all previous threads stopped cold and wiped out, so no ongoing communication can continue. I realize they will be in the archives, but their value is significantly more than a research tool. They are communications connections inside a community.

Looks like a good way to deep six the entire community, and force everyone to start over.

Little glitch- I don't get e-mail verifications. I'm sure that will be fixed in time, and I can be patient.

AngryCorvair GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
5/21/08 12:03 a.m.

I had a sweet reply typed out but somehow it didn't make it through when i hit "Add Post" button. Don't worry, Paul, the discomfort is temporary. Sure there will be some new names on old faces, and some new names on new faces, but this community will not change significantly. There will still be love for Yugos here.

SVreX wrote: I'm concerned about the integrity of the community, when we are being asked to re-register. Some people are using their old names, but others pick a new one. <> It has taken me years to learn the personalities of a lot of people on this site and identify them with their screen names, then also learn their real names as I get to know them. <> I'm thinking that could well be a whole lot more energy than I can put into this. <>I realize they will be in the archives, but their value is significantly more than a research tool. They are communications connections inside a community. <> Looks like a good way to deep six the entire community, and force everyone to start over.

Wally GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/21/08 12:45 a.m.

Kay:All right, SVreX, there was no Message Board. The flash of light you saw in the sky was not GRM. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus. Jay: Wait a minute. You just flash that thing, it erases his memory, and you just make up a new one? Kay: A standard issue neuralyzer. Jay: And that weak-ass story's the best you can come up with?

5/21/08 10:10 a.m.

Honestly, I prefered the old board as well. It would be a big improvement if there was a way to make the posts fit to the screen like the old board rather than having the wide strip on the edge so you have to scroll back and forth to read anything.

DILYSI Dave SuperDork
5/21/08 10:43 a.m.

I don't love the change either, but we're in a "it is what it is" situation. The ball started rolling when classic was moved and this was the inevitable end game. Don't like it, but like I said - is what it is.

If I find it is still comfortable, I'll hang around. If it's not - I'll see you all in Gainesville in the fall. Haven't decided yet. Tim B, Tim S, and the rest of the GRM staff apparently have a lot that they want to do that didn't fit the old board. We all have to make the individual call as to if we fit the new one.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
5/21/08 10:47 a.m.

And bear in mind it will become more comfortable, just as the old board, and the one before that one, and the one before that one... and we're still making a lot of tweaks based on feedback from ya'll.

NOHOME New Reader
5/21/08 8:16 p.m.

My original comment was a knee jerk first reaction. If I stop to think, I have to believe that there is a very good reason for the new page; nobody goes to this much work just for fun.

It would be interesting to know what some of the reasons were for this new look. Is the slow speed a temporary thing?


Keith GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/21/08 8:53 p.m.

Psst! Tim's already answered all of your questions. Don't bother looking around, just click this link:

5/21/08 9:18 p.m.

Guess I am a little slow. Finally re-registered. Different name and everything, even though I was a solid dork on the old board. It' s all gonna be just fine and I feel like a new man! Just glad to be back, this still remains my favorite site.

Hello everybody.

SVreX SuperDork
5/22/08 9:49 a.m.

Keith, that's a helpful link. Thank you.

Tim: Why not put the above page REAL obvious up front on the home page, or directly upon sign-in?

Wally: Way to go on the Kay and Jay thing! :grin:

You'll need to log in to post.

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