I have been having a problem getting my subscription. The folks at GRM have been great about this. At one point I was 2 issues out and they sent them (plain brown envelope and they showed up in 2 days). Miraculously my real issues then showed up a couple days later but about 4 months late for the first missing issue. Hummmmm They looked well read to. The reason I was suspicious is that my postman commented how he like the magazine. When I asked if he subscribed he said no.
So now the august issue has been in the mail for 2 weeks and I still dont have my issue. I am virtually positive that it is not a GRM problem but a USPS problem.
How would you handle this? Should I complain to the post master? Casually ask the counter girl about it at the local post office?
What would you do?
6/26/09 3:30 p.m.
Call the GRM office and ask for more info on what's up.
I haven't received mine yet and called them today. Turns out, the problem was because I'm a NASA member. NASA left my name off their latest list of members, and so GRM didn't send my August issue.
Are you a NASA member? The lady I spoke to said this was not the first time something like this had happened with the NASA list.
And, as always, customer service at your office was friendly and fantastic. Clearly everyone in the office genuinely cares about the sport and the people. You guys rock!
buy your postman a "thank you" subscription for years of thankless service...then he will leave your copies the berkeley alone.
Nope not a NASA member. I am a 10 year subscriber. I spoke with the staff just before posting this and as usual they are top shelf!!!! This is why I suspect the postman.
6/26/09 4:16 p.m.
I also have yet to receive the current issue. My subscription was entered when I visited the office at the end of May. I've been hoping its just sucky USPS service.
Oddly I'm usually too lazy to check the mail every day, but with the potential for new GRM, I've been running out there as soon as I wake up (at 3pm.)
If you truly suspect the postman, contact your local postmaster general. I don't know why they would do that, it's a federal offense to read a $5 dollar magazine, but it happens.
I know these go bulk rate. I wonder if GRM would offer a 1st class option for postage. Just what they need another wrinkle in there mailing process. 
NBS2005 wrote:
If you truly suspect the postman, contact your local postmaster general. I don't know why they would do that, it's a federal offense to read a $5 dollar magazine, but it happens.
I kind of want to take the off the record approach first. Some how let the post office know that I am experiencing problems and that I am considering reporting it. I dont like bringing down the hammer when a polite reminder may be all that is needed.
In reply to NBS2005:
That's true, it's illegal for people at the post office to read magazines in the mail stream. I'm a carrier and while I do admit to looking at the covers, I'd never read any magazines. That's a really stupid way to get fired. Personally I bring my own books and magazines (with the address labels still on them to prove that they are mine) to read when I have some time.
Talk to your carrier. Tell him what's going on with it being delayed and that you're not happy. If it is him, maybe that'll be enough to get him to stop reading it.
BTW, I own a Miata, and have my own subscriptions to GRM and CM.
6/26/09 5:16 p.m.
I haven't gotten the August issue either, but I don't think my mail lady is the culprit based on her driving skills.
I am sure that if the postman steals your GRM you are free to do whatever you want to him. No jury of your "peers" is going to care you ran him thru a woodchipper when they hear this story.
take a look at his jeep and see if it is lowered......

My experience with "The Mail" and subscriptions isn't good. I had a Rod & Custom come to my mail box looking like it got chewed by a dog.
I contacted my local post office. They said that they have a lot of problems processing periodicals with three staple binding and should contact the magazine itself to get a replacement issue.
Huh? You essentially admitted to destroying my magazine, but the publisher should replace it? I likened this to contacting Oscar Meyer Wiener if I got an burnt wiener from a restaurant, rather than getting a new hot dog from the restaurant that apparently can't cook worth a damn.
(Rod & Custom cheerfully replaced said issue, however.)
should you expect the post office to publish and print you a single issue of Rod and Custom? It is their fault, but as a third party, it is simply easier for you to contact the magazine directly.
I got an Automobile mag that was missing half it's pages, I called them, and they overnighted me an issue...
I remember once having problems with the mailman where I used to live. He would literally just cram everything into the box and everything would get beaten up.
When I went to the post office to complain, I was more or less just told I was lucky to get mail delivery at home
We had a problem with this two years ago. My parents bought me a 1-year subscription for my birthday, but in 4 months I didn't recieve a single issue. We suspected the mailmen were stealing them, even when GRM sent out a replacement issue, so Mom canceled it and I went back to buying them off the newstands.
Two months ago, I bought a subscripton for myself. So far no signs of them being stolen.
6/26/09 8:55 p.m.
So is the August issue as good it is in my mind?
New Reader
6/26/09 9:04 p.m.
Not to hijack here, but is it better for the publishers to subscribe or to buy at the news stand? I've been an 8 or 9 year reader but have never subscribed. Mainly because my local book shop started getting the mag because I asked and I like supporting local business. I've always wondered though if the mags get less dough due to shops, dist, shipping all taking a cut.
BTW when buying from my local shop, I've never had a missing or mangled issue. 
TJ wrote:
So is the August issue as good it is in my mind?
Friggin ginger ale out the nose. Dam it man I am going to have to wet-vac my keyboard again.
Dean, contact me with your name and address. I'll ask our circulation manager to look into it. And from what I hear, it was a good issue.
TJ wrote:
I haven't gotten the August issue either, but I don't think my mail lady is the culprit based on her driving skills.
Oh MAN - if decent driving skills are required to have a subscription, I may have to cancel...
mad_machine wrote:
I remember once having problems with the mailman where I used to live. He would literally just cram everything into the box and everything would get beaten up.
When I went to the post office to complain, I was more or less just told I was lucky to get mail delivery at home
Honestly, you need to get a bigger mailbox if a regular amount of mail needs to be crammed into it. Those crappy little ones from the 50s don't cut it anymore. In fact, buy the biggest one you can. As a mailman, I appreciate that more than a Christmas tip.
6/27/09 5:18 a.m.
My mailman has twice broken the mailbox door off the hinge and left it in the box. When my roommate went to the post office to complain (after the SECOND time) they told him to buy a stronger mailbox. 
I'd avoid accusing the mailman specifically; it could be disappearing much further up the Postal line. It could be happening anywhere between GRM and your home.
But I would contact the local postmaster in writing and tell him that you are having a consistent problem with the delivery of one specific publication. He may send out a memo to the workers or mention it in a meeting and it will get the message across, if one of the locals is responsible.
New Reader
6/27/09 5:56 a.m.
Over 30 years a postal worker, keep it coming i love this stuff