My 2012 Armada has a noise, little hammers on steel kind of a noise. It is not a good noise, internets are dumb kind of a noise.
Not when the engine is cold, not when I have been driving for a few minutes. Most pronounced when the engine is warm but has been setting for a while, then asked to run again, not at first but only after 1/4 -1/2 mile of driving. This follows engine rpm but only from 1800-2200 roughly and only under a specific load, less load and it goes away more load and rpm increases past the point of noise. After the initial noise, that if I'm careful can keep it going for about 5 very long seconds, goes away and doesn't return until the next rest cycle.
Oil and temp gauges read properly, oil is full and changed regularly with proper weight synthetic.
Sounds a lot like a cracked flywheel on an old Chevy that is trying to impersonate a rod knock. Also very reminiscent of the old Vortec and 4.0 jeep cold piston slap.
Ignoring it has not helped it go away but that will not stop my from continuing down that path.
Chain tensioner?
Lifter out of adjustment?
VVT issue?
Cracked manifold?