maj75 (Forum Supporter) said:
There is a difference between saying "I hate EVs or I'll never drive an EV." I don't see a problem with that.
Saying "You're an idiot because you love EVs." Is not OK.
But saying "Coal rollers suck" is totally cool because there is no rational argument in their favor.
The End
And Carolina squat.
Absolutely NO hate talk allowed for the company which brought Italia to the common/ working man. MASERATI. Instant permaban
In reply to Shadeux :
Let's leave the bird of honduh out of this discussion.
In reply to chandler :
This is a big part of why i'm scarce around here anymore. Too much negative vibes, man
chandler said:
This has been fun, I understand not everyone likes everything but it seems we try to reason out a reason why that thing is bad for everyone. As the old lady says: "that's not how this works, that's not how any of this works!"
Also, I would have just continued ignoring all this but into my third week of corona and pneumonia and not much to do but read the internet which is never prescribed for ANYONE. Y'all are still the best bunch on the web.
Man, I hope you get better real soon. Sending prayers your way for a speedy recovery.
Crap, Chandler. Get better. Covid sucks.
Indy "Nub" Guy said:
chandler said:
This has been fun, I understand not everyone likes everything but it seems we try to reason out a reason why that thing is bad for everyone. As the old lady says: "that's not how this works, that's not how any of this works!"
Also, I would have just continued ignoring all this but into my third week of corona and pneumonia and not much to do but read the internet which is never prescribed for ANYONE. Y'all are still the best bunch on the web.
Man, I hope you get better real soon. Sending prayers your way for a speedy recovery.
Yes. This is the most important part of this thread.
In reply to chandler :
Hope you get over the virus soon and make a full recovery.
10/3/21 11:12 p.m.
Yes got Covid last year definitely sucks: get well Chandler.
I mean, as long as it isn a ridgeline I'm fine. By what you want but stop calling it a "truck".

Tom1200 said:
Yes got Covid last year definitely sucks: get well Chandler.
+1. Not fun, do not recommend
Thanks guys, really appreciate it. Tested negative this morning so that's done buuuut still have the chest infection that I have to work through.
captdownshift (Forum Supporter) said:
Please nobody take this politically as it is not the intent. But I would absolutely love to have localized and high-speed rail that would enable me to commute to work without ever having to drive and to have vehicles for pleasure and unwinding and for procuring large things to bring home. So pretty much one would be strictly for utility and one would be strictly for fun. But I would love to not have to have a "daily".
We are getting high speed rail in Texas in about 5 years.
But if you don't live downtown you will still need a daily driver to get to the train station and an Uber or Lift connection on the other side if you are going outside of downtown.
10/4/21 10:44 a.m.
In reply to chandler :
I coughed up what felt like rubber cement for a solid 2 weeks...............tasty.
Get well Chandler! I had a mild case back in January, and even that was not fun. Still have some weird long lasting effects.
On the tension and "cattiness" around here: It's not just here. It's everywhere. Everyone I know has been on edge for months for various reasons: the pandemic, political climate, societal changes, and more. And a lot of people have been under a lot of pressure for those reasons and many others, and the bad attitudes and anger trickles down. I've seen lifelong friends, family members, and coworkers get nasty with each other, and I've seen that play out on here as well. Life is hard for a lot of people right now, and many are stressed beyond their breaking point with no relief in sight. It really sucks, and it's exhausting. It's hard for that stuff not to sneak in here the way things are right now.
GRM is one of the last forums I participate on these days for various reasons. The folks that run GRM are good people, and the forum members are good people as well. I've met a lot of you in person at the Challenge events I participated in, and I've become good friends with some of you in the real world. GRM is a haven for me to talk about all sorts of vehicular stupidity and get the occasional life tip, "since the hive mind knows everything". Everyone has opinions, and mine differ from many of yours. But largely, I think we get along OK compared to other places I've been, especially lately. I've all but stopped frequenting groups and forums catering to specific marques and vehicles; the echo chamber effect in those places is tiring. GRM is still the go-to melting pot of vehicular knowledge and taste for me.
10/4/21 11:34 a.m.
I hate lots of things, but I try not to begrudge people for doing them or liking them unless is affects me in a pretty decent way. I will say it has been more argumentative around here lately, and Ive definitely contributed, and Im sorry for that (Im human and I do love a good argument/debate), but I think as a whole when there is a different opinion on here its generally more of a healthy discourse. I regularly see "Id do it like this because of xyz" Or "that may not be the best because of whatever." Rarely do I serious comments like "your opinion or choice sucks" followed by no actual information. At the end of the day I know this is a good group of people that would probably give each other the shirts of their backs.
In reply to bobzilla :
But if it's called a Santa Cruz you likely would approve

(The above was posted with a playful wink and nudge and it's not actually said in a manner that would be an example as to what this thread is about. For the record the Santa Cruz is on my short list for as a potential new daily, along with the very unexpected new Sienna. I have a hard time wrapping my brain around the idea of paying $60,000 for a minivan in a time where nobody is purchasing minivans. That being said I have zero doubts that the Sienna will last 20 plus years without major issue, so cost per a year and mile, it's not a bad value).
In reply to captdownshift (Forum Supporter) :
Still not a truck. El Camino maybe but not a truck
EDIT: and thank you for taking the playful bait. It gets boring when people forget to have fun.
I must admit I've missed whatever's going on. I don't click on every thread. While I did see the recent one about not liking modern cars, I thought "Oh, we're doing that again" and moved on.
One thing I've tried to do recently is to not get into arguments on the internet. They serve no purpose. You're not going to change anyone's mind, you're just going to raise your own blood pressure.
The only real logical justification to dislike or disapprove of someone else's decision making, is the desire to purchase something cheap and used in the future and looking at the buying habits of the populous, and realizing that those examples won't be in existence. But that's one It's time to put your money where your mouth is. If I purchase a Santa Cruz or Sienna as a new daily, instead of a new 86, then in 8 years I can't lament on how there aren't any clean unmolested 2nd generation 86s for sale cheap.
In reply to bobzilla :
If you take life too seriously, you're never going to get out of it alive.
Tom_Spangler (Forum Supporter) said:
I must admit I've missed whatever's going on. I don't click on every thread. While I did see the recent one about not liking modern cars, I thought "Oh, we're doing that again" and moved on.
One thing I've tried to do recently is to not get into arguments on the internet. They serve no purpose. You're not going to change anyone's mind, you're just going to raise your own blood pressure.
They do too serve a purpose. I am going to change your mind.
Mr. Peabody said:
It’s Stefan’s fault. He’s angry at everyone, apparently.
Meh. This forum is way more civil than it used to be.
Hey, don't make me point my finger at you and shake it, mister!
In reply to Tom_Spangler (Forum Supporter) :
I'm missing it too which then leads me to wonder if I'm the problem?
Like others here, I don't read everything. There are a few topics and equally, some topics started by specific individuals that I just avoid. Not a malicious avoidance but just that the topic may be played out of the person's views are askew from my own.
Not that either are right, just not the same.
because we all need more screaming 5-cylinder turbo goodness in our lives.