The entire "tilty wheel" fad with double digits of negative camber, 215s stretched on 11" wheels, so low to the ground.........bah.
Especially when those people claim that taking a car designed to handle well and claim the above modifications on cheap suspensions with essentially no suspension travel so they can brag about being "static" doesn't make their car less safe.
And then a subset with the "Twins," is "The Curse." IE, guys driving like morons blaming the car for the crash when almost all of those guys fall into 3 categories.
1. The front is smashed in from them rear ending someone.
2. One rear wheel now has 20+ degrees of positive camber with a caved in rear quarter from their failed attempt at drifting on the street. This can also be the entire side of the car wiped from smacking the steel-Armco style barriers from driving beyond their skill level.
3. Hydroplaning in the rain because they are still trying to do the speed and/or driving on bald tires.
Regarding number 3, there was a guy recently on one of the FB pages that said the rain was coming down so hard he could barely see.........but kept driving.
1/29/25 6:04 p.m.
confuZion3 said:
codrus (Forum Supporter) said:
confuZion3 said:
Is it weird that I think that? I'm sure some of you here have those cars and do nothing of the sort. I don't mean offense by it. I guess I spent too much time living next to a 24 hour Starbucks in Edgewater that saw way too many Gallardos being driven it around at idle--their owners doing exactly that. Lots and lots of money--so they spend it on the Lamborghiniest Lamborghini they can because it'll impress their friends. A true car enthusiast would have blown that money on something truly special. Like a Pagani Huayra, a V8 Esprit, or a '91 Miata.
That said, this actually seems somewhat backwards to me. Old school lambos were all about over-the-top design and pushing high top speeds -- they were not driver's cars in the way that Ferraris of a similar vintage were. That changed when VW/Audi bought them and they started paying attention to handling, chassis design, things like that. The Gallardo is supposed to be a much better car to actually drive than any Lambo before it.
No, see, I think that was the point of Lamborghini. They were impossible to see out of, a lot of them caught fire, and they didn't really drive all that great. They were outlandish and pretty, loud, and very fast--a view of the future of super cars. They were on posters on our walls when my generation were kids, and they earned their place up there because they were unlike anything before them. Yeah, you could go get your Ferrari, and drive it to your Starbucks, and sip your late, wearing your Ferrari hat, Ferrari leather jacket, Ferrari leather pants, Ferrari racing shoes, etc.... or you could show up in a Diablo, strap an outlandish 80's electric guitar to your back, and uh... I'm not really sure where I'm going with this... Pit Viper sunglasses? Maybe... a mullet? I don't... I don't know where I'm going here.
A modern Lamborghini is a refined car made by a gigantic automotive conglomerate. They sell lots of them. Oh, and now they sell an SUV! But maybe they sell lots of them to people who think they're buying what the Diablo morphed into. While the spiritual successor of the Diablo was the Murcielago, I think the dream died when the last Diablo was rolled off the line.
Maybe I kind of feel the same way about modern Lamborghini as I do about the crossover that the Eclipse morphed into. People who loved the DSM Eclipse might be fooled into thinking they're buying the spiritual successor to that car. But in fact, they're just buying an SUV.
Literally a "look at me" car for seeking attention, I be they even pose by it.
Jeeps. All Jeeps. However, they seem to be OK once you replace all the Jeep parts.
And Harleys.
1/29/25 6:15 p.m.
ShinnyGroove (Forum Supporter) said:
OK I'll say it... pretty much any newer Porsche. I have great internal conflict saying this because I absolutely love many of them, including the Cayman that I owned. But I saw the way that people looked at me at the gas pump, and their expressions said "poser". And I realized that I looked at people driving them exactly the same way when I saw them any place but the track. Many people drive them because they are talismans of wealth and status (often imaginary). The price explosion of the last few years cemented it for me. The people driving up the prices up are the same ones buying $10,000 purses and $1500 fly rods and such.
Would I own another one? Yep. Would I look like a poser? Probably. Would I care? Not one bit.
Purely anecdotal experience: I've own 70ish cars, including a handful of true exotics. Nothing, and I mean nothing attracted so much hate, derision and snide comments like the 10 year old Boxster S.
My posermobile pick: C5 and up Corvettes. Blame the demographic
Could someone define poser for me. Because I would argue the the vast majority of the people that are calling people posers are just envious.
The car is just a car.
1/29/25 6:29 p.m.
In reply to calteg :
I guess it makes a sort of sense. Between the people who think you're a showoff for having any Porsche and the people who think you're a poser for having a Porsche that's not-a-911, there aren't many of the rest of us.
calteg said:
My posermobile pick: C5 and up Corvettes. Blame the demographic
Fair. But TBH, that's true of most sports cars as very few people drive them as intended.
Its also easy to pick on the lower trim of cars with more powerful engines.
For me The Hyundai Genesis Coupe kinda sticks out. Its a Hyundai trying not to be a hyundai. I'm not sure it is was factory, but most of them seem to have the 'not a hyundai' hyundai badge on the back. It was reasonably powerful, but just a sloppy car at the limit. Basically a car for someone who wanted to pretend they had a sports car and pretend it wasn't a hyundai.

The worst kind of Poseur IMO are the poor people who spend disproportionate amounts of money on their rides so that they won't be seen as what they are instead of using that money to improve their actual station in life.
1/29/25 7:13 p.m.
dean1484 said:
Could someone define poser for me. Because I would argue the the vast majority of the people that are calling people posers are just envious.
The car is just a car.
This was meant to be a bit tongue in cheek:
I figured my comment about hard top Mondials are not for Posers but convertibles would convey that. I also said if I was buying a car to be seen (be a Poser) I'd get the convertible.
For me a Poser is someone who buys something strictly because they think it impressed other people and/or think it makes them cool. I would also throw in the caveat of they don't actually like the thing or are ambivalent about it.
I could be accused of being a BMX Poser; I have a retro bike and an actual vintage bike. I never raced BMX but I think the bikes are cool.................I'm dangerously close to being a Poser at the very least. My defense is I do actually ride them....(cough cough, poser)
But when does a "Poser" car become just another used car ?
Remember when it was rare to see a Tesla , now after 10 years of decent sales they are everywhere (well at least around here)
I would think a Cybertruck that got vinyl wrapped would be the current Poser car , at least if you saw the SEMA show coverage ,
1/29/25 7:54 p.m.
In reply to californiamilleghia :
Full disclosure; while I've always liked the Foxbody Mustang I never bought one because a large portion of owners, to me, were mullet wearing posers.
This may make me a counter culture poser. LOL
New Reader
1/29/25 8:00 p.m.
In reply to theruleslawyer :
I loved my Genesis Coupe! Granted it was just a DD fun car. Never in track. Couple bolt ons and a tune made it a fun car. Honestly, it wasn't great before the tune. Tune made a big difference.
i regret selling it for my current 21 mustang gt at times
Mr_Asa said:
Except for the Lightning, and the 10th Gen Superdutys, anything north of the 9th Gen F-Series
Especially anything labeled Harley Davidson Edition.
Why the carve out for 10th Gen Super Duty? Yes, I have one.
ddavidv said:
BMW GS motorcycles. You can ride to Starbucks on literally anything, dude.
Is there anything more poser than a Harley?
Did you know that there was actually an H.O. Chevette?
Tom1200 said:
In reply to californiamilleghia :
Full disclosure; while I've always liked the Foxbody Mustang I never bought one because a large portion of owners, to me, were mullet wearing posers.
This may make me a counter culture poser. LOL
That's really sad that you let some perception of how you thought people might see you, based on your own perception of a cross section of them, prevent you from getting the car you wanted.
dean1484 said:
Could someone define poser for me. Because I would argue the the vast majority of the people that are calling people posers are just envious.
The car is just a car.
"A poser is someone who behaves in a way that is insincere or exaggerated to impress others."
An example would be, guys that do "track builds" that never do anything but go to Cars & Coffee or post on IG.......but don't actually ever go to the track.
dean1484 said:
Could someone define poser for me. Because I would argue the the vast majority of the people that are calling people posers are just envious.
The car is just a car.
To most people, a car is a way to get from point A to point B. Then there are those of us that the the car IS the point.
Peabody said:
ddavidv said:
BMW GS motorcycles. You can ride to Starbucks on literally anything, dude.
Is there anything more poser than a Harley?
I bet you didn't know that there was actually an H.O. Chevette
As a long time GS owner I think I can safely say that the adventure bike segment has finally gotten to where the HD crowd was 20 years ago. That is to say, we are caricatures of ourselves.
1/29/25 8:56 p.m.
A 401 CJ said:
Mr_Asa said:
Except for the Lightning, and the 10th Gen Superdutys, anything north of the 9th Gen F-Series
Especially anything labeled Harley Davidson Edition.
Why the carve out for 10th Gen Super Duty? Yes, I have one.
Last ones that looked like a truck while still squarely doing truck things without extraneous bullE36 M3.
BroDozers and coal rollers need not apply.
1/29/25 9:11 p.m.
A 401 CJ said:
Tom1200 said:
In reply to californiamilleghia :
Full disclosure; while I've always liked the Foxbody Mustang I never bought one because a large portion of owners, to me, were mullet wearing posers.
This may make me a counter culture poser. LOL
That's really sad that you let some perception of how you thought people might see you, based on your own perception of a cross section of them, prevent you from getting the car you wanted.
It was more of a case of my not wanting to be around a certain crowd. I also discovered Datsuns shortly after the Foxbody was introduced.
Also like and want are different things for me.
Besides I bought one 8 months ago.
EDIT: also note I don't think my self deprecating sense of humor comes through on the forum.
Chargers and Challengers fit the bill for me.
1/29/25 9:22 p.m.
Peabody said:
ddavidv said:
BMW GS motorcycles. You can ride to Starbucks on literally anything, dude.
Is there anything more poser than a Harley?
I feel like it really depends on the Harley. There's the stereotypical lame Harleys we see out in groups with tassels and extra pegs and loud stereos, but there's also guys flat tracking Sportsters or keeping a Knucklehead on the road.
The Harley hate is kinda lame. There are a lot of guys that genuinely like the things. Not me, but I've known many more genuine bikers riding Harleys than I have lawyers-in-leather.
edit: Come to think of it, my dad has a 1930s Harley that I hope to inherit some day, so I guess that I'll be a poser too! 
1/29/25 9:53 p.m.
In reply to Kreb (Forum Supporter) :
Back in the late 70s the Harley guys would constantly tell me what garbage my Japanese motorcycle was. This put me off ever wanting a Harley for years. They also don't make any kind of bike I would like.
With that said I'd love a 30s Harley.......they are super cool.
In reply to Tom1200 :
Honestly, not even Sonny Barger liked Harleys. Quote taken from (I think?) page 53 of his 2001 Biography:
It has always been important for Hell's Angles to ride American made machines. In terms of pure workmanship, personally I don't like Harleys. I ride them 'cause I am in the club and and that is the image, but if I could, I would seriously consider riding a Honda ST1100 or a BMW. We really missed the boat not switching over to the Japanese models when they began building bigger bikes. I'll usually say "**** Harley Davidson". You can buy an ST1100 and the Mother****er will do 110 mph right from the factory all day long. While it is too late to switch over now, it would have been a nice move cause Japanese bikes today are much cheaper and better built, however they don't have as much personality.