my brother, who is not mechanically inclined, is considering selling his b13 SE-R. It's a black '92 with 140k. I bought it three years ago with a bad motor. At that time I threw a NICE jdm takeout in there. It came with a stock looking 4-2-1 header & a bigger intake manifold. We also removed the a/c at that time. The rest of the car is bone stock & somewhat tired. Tranny works great. Rockers have really rusted out. Seems like a great donor if a guy had a clean sentra E shell or something. I know they kind of have a following, but I have no idea where the market is right now. Anybody here have some wisdom to lay on me?
best insight into the life and times of the 2.0 liter beast and the carcasses it lives in
If the rust is as bad as it sounds I wouldn't expect any more than $1500. It was a good car but they are showing their age now.
If it has perminal rust, Id say more like $750 unless the engine is really low mileage. If its just a parts car, they arent really uncommon in the junkyard anymore.
belteshazzar wrote:
Seems like a great donor if a guy had a clean sentra E shell or something.
finding those rust free shells are fun; Datsun 510, BMW 2002.....
they do sell a lot cars/parts on the SR20 Forum
it seems resonable to believe they're out there. More than 510's anyway. Plus how many people want a dead base-model b13 anyway?