For serious? Too bad you have to remove all the glass or you could tow your chumpcar with your chump truck ;p?
For serious? Too bad you have to remove all the glass or you could tow your chumpcar with your chump truck ;p?
Main issue I see is if the trucks are not road legal anymore. Transporting one of those is going to be require a second truck almost that size. That and finding a track day that would let you practice :P
Not seeing how these wouldn't still be RVs in most states. You keep the windshield, no $5000 truck, let alone a race prepped one will have AC, you would have the windows down anyways!
that board is pretty dead... gotta get the word out... i know there were a few threads discussing it on the Chumpcar forum right after it was announced, but then it kind of got forgotten about..
novaderrik wrote: that board is pretty dead... gotta get the word out... i know there were a few threads discussing it on the Chumpcar forum right after it was announced, but then it kind of got forgotten about..
They've taken on a lot, what with ice racing and all. Chumpcar was once a niche too, it will take time to grow (especially with how crazy expensive trucks are).
In order to be an RV in california it would need a cooking place (microwave) a sleeping area, a toilet or sink and something else. But you might be able to make that all removable
Just make it like Lemans, different classes run the trucks with chump car ;p
"What's the catch? Well there is and there isn't one. I am only able to speak specifically for registration and insurance for California but I bet it's easier in most other states. Here I was able to register my 16 foot box truck for personal use without any issue at the DMV. I had to fill out a declaration that the truck would never run with a gross weight of over 10 thousand pounds when I registered it. In order to signal that the truck is only used to transport personal items one must print "Not For Hire" on the driver's door in big letters so when you drive right past a weigh station the Highway Patrol won't come chasing after you. The next big consideration is insurance. My original insurance company, 21st Century doesn't cover trucks like these. I switched to Unitrin Insurance and they had no problem with it. For a price. The issue was that the commercial nature of the truck made it a bit more expensive to insure than I would have liked. Registration was a lot more than for a regular car too. Not such a good deal after all! What to do? After beating the bushes for an answer, I came across a little known facet of the Vehicle Code. In California there is a mechanism by which one can re-purpose a commercial vehicle as an R/V and pay a lot less in insurance and registration. This is the best route but requires a few hoops to be jumped through. They actually will inspect the vehicle and if it's not what they think an RV is you can't change the registration. The hardest thing was getting this information out of the California DMV. I searched the internet high and low and could not find a useable definition of an R/V or motorhome in any vehicle code. When I first went to get the status of my registration changed they just rejected me and that was that. I then had to find the supervisor of the DMV office and demand that they find me a workable definition so I could make the conversion. After some back and forth and a call to Sacramento I got the news. The definition is: A vehicle where any FOUR of the following SIX items. 1. Toilet 2. Sink 3. 110 volt AC power 4. Heating and or A/C 5. Cooking facilities 6. Refrigeration. Once they gave me the correct section of the California Vehicle Code I was able to find the definition on the web under a very odd "miscellaneous" section CVC 6.040.
Well! That's not so hard now is it? I already had 110 volt a/c power from my generator and a small fridge too. I added a thrift store microwave for the "cooking facility" and I was 3/4 of the way there. Since I didn't want to deal with a toilet the next step is to build a sink. I go as basic as possible with this plan grabbing a sink out of an RV at the SSJY. A few hours with the saw and some screws and glue and I have a semi convincing sink and bathroom setup for under $40.00. I used the water pump from my race car's cool suit setup to pump water to the tap and that's all it took. A trip to the DMV for a bit of show and tell and boom! R/V with all the privileges thereto and pertaining. Here is what I showed to the DMV here in Los Angeles that got my truck's registration status converted."
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