Why does this strike me as massively cool?

Then again, look at who I'm asking
I'd get rid of that spoiler and those taillights, and I'd have to do something about the door handles (or lack of them), but I like it in concept. The black and the Euro headlights made it look great. I don't think changing out the bumpers would be so necessary, either, but then again, I like Alfa GTAs with the steel bumpers too.
yeah that's the thing, look who your asking here, we're all bloody mentals.....or morons, whatever you prefer.
I think that's awsome, it fits so well and in that 242, that's just cool. I like GTA's with steel bumpers....
Because it IS massively cool
1/9/10 4:16 p.m.
Wrong with you? Are you kidding? That is cooooool!!
If that is wrong, I am broken.
Ditch the spoiler, keep the tail lights. Perfect.
1/9/10 9:26 p.m.
Nothing wrong with you man. That thing is bad ass!
The Euro headlights really make the whole thing pull together. The US double headlights, especially the round ones, look awful compared to that. Unless you want to make some sort of Swedish Mad Max style car. Then by all means, go with the doubles.
Anyone with a link to a good guide or club for the 200 series?
I've been eyeing this one on my local craigslist... http://jacksonville.craigslist.org/cto/1513138905.html
crackhead wrote:
I've been eyeing this one on my local craigslist... http://jacksonville.craigslist.org/cto/1513138905.html
Wow. That's a heck of a deal.
I can only think of one thing wrong with that volvo.. I do not have the title
1/10/10 8:45 p.m.
the rear overhang on that car kills the look. 
A V8 245 wagon is on my must build someday car list.